10: Life Update 2

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Today is Wednesday, November 6th 2019

So what's new? And what do I want to talk abt?

Well.. A lot of things happened

First thing I should say is I died my hair. Half of what it was before and the other half is black. So that's lit I guess.

I really wanna dye it half purple half black. Maybe not permanent though. I have been missing my natural color. There's this stuff that strips the dye out of your hair? I don't know. Imma leave my hair how it is for now.

I've been skating. It's honestly so fun and I've gotten much much better! I only have a not-so-good longboard but it works. It's decent.

Once I save enough money I'm going to ask my cousin who is like extremely good at skating to help me find a good board. Just cause I like to flex other people's things for them... my cousin Parker has been skating like his whole life. He's sponsored by like good good skating brands and shit. I think it's really cool.

Ohhhh so there is this really dumb cat that I think is a stray. I think he had a home but something happened though cause he's pretty friendly. All he does though is meow. Even if you're petting him he just meows. Over and over and over again.

Although he is friendly he hates my cats and my cats hate him. Every night I have to go out and stop him and tux from fighting. One night I heard the cat meowing but it was like a mean meow so I knew what was happening. I got Reese and we went out front.

We heard a meow come from the back so we ran through the house. The dumb cat and Romeo we're going at it. Like really bad. They were in a fluffed up ball scratching and biting. Reese and me used sticks to try to get them apart but it was no use. They fought their way into the neighbors yard and I jumped on Romeo and brought him inside.

He had loose fur all over him. He also had slobber all in his fur. He has a cute little scar on his ear now.

He was fine though.

Speaking of cats there are these two cats that live near the pond. The house behind the pond is their home. They are super friendly though. They're almost always there.

Cj is the extremely friendly one that wants all the attention. We found out his name was Cj when his owner called him. His other name that Reese and I gave him is Roly Poly.

Then we have Junebug. We don't know her actual name. She has the prettiest blue eyes I've ever seen on a human or cat. She's friendly also but she's not as cuddly. That being said she laid on Reese and I for like 30 minutes to take a nap.

Roly Poly (left)  Junebug (right)(Imma make a separate part for all the neighborhood cats)

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Roly Poly (left)  Junebug (right)
(Imma make a separate part for all the neighborhood cats)

This next part might be a little consuming so sorry in advance.

So Lola is Rileighs friend and I'm not going into detail cause it's not my place but long story short Lola is staying with us. Her and Rileigh now share a room.

There are all sorts of emotions that come with another child moving in and it's honestly really different and weird but fun.

Lola is really nice to Reese and me and I see her as a sister. Last night while Rileigh was sleeping she came in and hung out with us.

We played scribble, hangman, Minecraft and we just did other random stuff. We stayed up until the sun came up. At 6:30 we went down to find food. Lola and Reese has spaghetti which ew. Like spaghetti is delicious but not at 6 in the morning. I just had a cup of fruit punch cause nothing sounded good. Lola left at 7ish and we all went to bed. I stayed on my phone for a bit but fell asleep near 8.

I'm so happy I woke up 'early' at around 12 though. Normally if I stay up I won't be able to wake up until like forever later. My body just woke up and I was not even tired.

Rileigh, Lola and I are going to the highschool down the road and I can't wait. I'm sooooo excited.

Also yes we are starting this late mind you're own business.

Yes I realize this book is about me and it's basically bringing everyone into my business but who gives.

O M G I just realized what I've gotten myself into and now I have to explain everything.

Ok so I went to oc (the highscool) for a little at the beginning of the school rear but stopped. While I was there I gained the biggest crush I've ever had on this boy. He's blonde and funny andahhahrunrgzkn.

Ever since I left I've been thinking about him and he's the main reason I'm going back.

It might be good to add I don't know his name. We just sat by each other and talked but never like introduced ourselves.

I CANT WAIT TO GO BACK TO SCHOOOOL!! Fuck online school. Public school is where it's at.

When I do start school we have to take the bus cause my mom doesn't want to drive us. The bus stops at my house at 6:30 so I have to be ready at like 6:20-25. Ugh that's gonna be hell.

I don't care though. Anything for blondie😉 lol and that education yuhhdigg

Hmm what else is new.

Oh I have a small story.

There's kinda two parts but the thing that connects them is that Reese, Lola, Rileigh and I went on a walk to the park and we left at like 10:20ish. Because of daylight savings shit or whatever it's already pitch black by 7 so it was dark out. Plus there was fog everywhere. IT WAS SOOOO FOGGY LIKE EVERYWHERE!!

On the way we grabbed this pumpkin that was just on the sidewalk and took it with us. At the park Rileigh threw it down and jumped on it. We had fun messing around at the park. On the way back we ding dong ditched a house.

Lola and I went up cause Reese was to scared and Rileigh was at the house cause she didn't want to. Lola rang the doorbell and we ran. I heard dogs barking in the house which really pushed me to run faster.

That's all for today.

Love you guys even though no one reads these I still love you.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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