four | bskc

341 26 2

f o u r
bed, soup, kisses, cheesiness

PARK CHAEYOUNG SMILED, when her lover walked in her room, both of her small chubby hands held onto a small tray, probably holding a small bowl of warm soup, her favourite. but let's be real, anything that jennie makes is her favourite. she's just that smitten.

"chaengg~" jennie sang, her gummy smile plastered on her face. she took small steps, bending down, putting the try on her bedside table. walking to her desk, pulling the small chair towards chaeyoung's bed. sitting down, grabbing the small white bowl in her hands and took a bit of the soup, blowing on it making sure it wouldn't burn her tongue. before feeding it to chaeyoung.

"is it good?" jennie asks, grabbing a tissue and wiping the corner of her mouth, giving s small peck on the corner of her lips, making chaeng's mood better. "better now you kissed me." chaeyoung smiles, the older one replicating the same one. "you're so cheesy." jennie sat on her bed, the bed sinking a little, as she wrapped her arms around her lover. "get better."


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