Mystery guy

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"what's there to talk about ?!" you asked "us" he said you got out of the car && so did Steven "Steven there's nothing to talk about so do both of us a favor && go home!" you yelled puttuing the keys in the key hole of the door you got slammed into the wall of your pourch && was being kissed like not just lovey dovey like hard core dovey Steven's hands were on your waist your hands around his neck he bit your lip you bit his he placed a kiss on your neck your hands moved to his jeans you put your thumbs truh his jean hoops "your so fxcking cute!" he yelled placing a kiss on your lips "im glad i can say the same" you said smirking You got off the wall && opend the door completely && went in side Steven followed you around the house you walked into the bathroom "now dont follow me in here " you said to him"ugh okay" he said turning around you shut the door "what is life!?" you thought you went to the bathroom && went out "um yeah there is someone at your door" Steven said looking away from his phone to you "did you let them in?" you asked drying your wet hands "no" he giggled you started to walk to the door when Steven got up as well you went down stairs && opend the door and there you stood lugage in hand with a smile on his face "what are you doing here?" you asked closing the door before Steven could reach the door "oh come on dont pretend you're NOT happy to see me" he said laughing his laugh gave you the chills "why are you here && how did you find me ?" you asked fearing to look up looking at him You kept your head down "look up beautiful" he said pulling your head up by your chin you looked at him straight in eyes "what do you want ?" You asked backing up "you" he said getting closer to you "well you cant always get what you want" you said

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