The delicious smell of Pizza! "16.75 && your number? " he said giving you the pizza you thought for minute and went to go get the money as you made your way to back you wrote your number on the 5 dollar tip "16.75 && my number.. " you said blushing "enjoy the pizza beautiful "he said turning around and leaving. What just happen ??.I ran up to my room remembering that I had a guest over "pizza arrived! "you said as you set it one your bed "so Jakie are you from around here ?"you asked taking a piece of. pizza out of the box "yeah I've lived in Compton for awhile.. " she said while sighing we didn't talk much after we finished eating the pizza && watching the movie it was time for her to go home "I know we just met but would you like to stay over ?"I asked "I feel like we already know. each other && of course"

Love addiction (Steven Fernandez)
Fiksi Penggemarlet's just say there's a first for everything