Ultra Sound

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Crystal pov

I woke up real early , i had to go Check up on Brooke , and apologize 😑 . Cause i cant loose my Sis , my bff over some dumb shit . Then i have to go to this meet up with august .. Then i go to my ultra sound at 3 . I looked at the clock it said 7:20 trey was knocked out sleep , i got up to shower and stuff stuff . I went into my closet to put on some distressed jeans a White T , a Over sized black cardigan and my black uggs . And of course i added some accessories and makeup . I grabbed my Black Michael Kors Bag and Trey Rang Rover Truck Keys , was headed to brooke's ..


I walked in Chris Was sleep on the couch . The hell he here for , maybe brooke was really upset. i walked in her room she was watching "The Real " talkshow

Crystal" Hey boo"

Brooke" You here to yell at my stupidness again?"

Crystal" Noo Noo ! Im just here to say Im Sorry , i just wanted you to know that you was Dirty and Wrong For it "

I laid my head on her lap and rubbed her baby bump .. Brooke was now 4 1/2 months im 2 full months .

Crystal" Hey Baby Girl " i said speaking to her belly "

Brooke" Well thanks for the apology baby sis & When do you find the gender"

Crystal" i want a surprise "

Brooke" Why , that mean no baby showers and you have to go baby shopping late"

Crystal" Thats True"

Chris" Brooke im - oh hey Crystal" he came and gave me a hug

Crystal" Hey How are you?"

Chris" Im Good , im good ... But brooke i'll be back later i have to go "

Brooke" Okay Thanks for being here" the hugged and he left

Trey pov

I woke up no Crystal , wonder where she went so i showered and stuff then i put on some Jeans my Chapter V Shirt and some socks im just gonna chill at home and wait for crystal matter a fact imma call her .

C" Hey Babe"

A" Wassup Bro"

T" Yo & where are you crystal?"

C" had a meet up with Aug so we can find a date to release the video"

T" Am i on speaker?"

C" Yea im in the car why wassup"

T" Just wanted to know where you are"

C" Okay Bye Baby"

T" Bye bae"

Crystal pov

August" So where are we going"

Crystal " to your studio"

August" Crystal do you like me?"

Crystal" Yeah As a friend Other than that no , i mean your cute an all . But i Told your like a brother or a Bestfriend" i said then we pulled up at the sudio

August didnt say anything the entire time unless it was about work so now it was about 1:50 i went home and trey was playing the game

Trey" Hey Baby " he paused his game and came and had my leaning against the wall " I been waiting for you " he kissed my neck then my lips

Crystal" Horny Much ?"

Trey" Yes Crystal . Your Torturing Me !!! "

Crystal" You have To Wait Till Baby Is born and im all healed up " i went into the kitchen to make me a Club Sandwich

Trey" Okay Whatever Crystal " then his phone started ringing

Trey" Hey ma ... She's In Labor?..... Well Where is Forrest ?...... Shiiiit .... Splash Water on him do something to wake him up...... No i cant do that me and Angel Not that close ma ......... Well Crystal has an ultra sound at 3 ....... So She's Pushing now?....... Okay call me when she have it me and Crystal be up there later... Bye love you too"

Crystal" What happened to forrest?"

Trey" he got so scared he passed out "

Crystal" You better no do that with me"

------ at the U.S

Dr" Hello Crystal and Trey"

Crystal" Hey "

Trey" Hello"

Dr" Okay so are you taking the prenatal Meds still? Any sickness?"

Crystal" Yes and No"

Dr" Okay lets begin"


Dr" Okay Baby Is healthy , would you like to know the gender next month?"

I looked at trey he said yes

Crystal" Uh Sure "

Dr" Okay , thats all for today have a good evening "

Crystal" Okay You Too." We left

Trey" Let Me Drive to the hospital"

Crystal" Works for me " i smiled

"When we get home can i get another one of those massages "

Trey" Nahh , i only give those Once a Week"

Crystal" Suck My Ass !" he drove off to the hospital

Forrest" Oh Thank God Your Here !!!"

Trey" Why you say that "

Forrest" Oh Cause i need a ride home "

Crystal" Thats Fine, Did she have the baby yet?"

Forrest" Yea we named her Summer "

Crystal" Aww Thats Cute "

Trey" i hope we have a boy "

Forrest " Wait Your pregnant "

Crystal" yes sir ... hey are yall still getting married ?"

Forrest" Nah , She called it off she wants to wait till summer is 3 and we are old enough , cause we are only 18 "

Trey" Ha , told ya young ass not to purpose to her yet "

Forrest" Shutup"

Crystal" Trey dont talk to my baby like that"

Forrest" Yea , i gotcho girl now ! i gets all the bitties"

Crystal" Oh hell no! im no bittie its over"

Trey" Ha! got my girl back "

We was just in the waiting room chit-chatting blowing our life away then we took forrest home

Trey" Finally some alone time" he kissed down on my neck squeezing my butt he knows when he does this its my weakness

Crys" Stawwwp"

Trey" I want you .... i love you ..... can we do it ?" He whispered in my ear nibbling on my ear lobe then kissed my lips

Thats it i couldnt take it anymore i rushed to strip my clothes off and went upstairs as he followed .. god knows how bad i wanted him too



Sorry i been lazy the past days


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