Not So Much A Happy Family

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Crystal Moore

Its been 3 weeks and Trey been visiting or staying at lease 4 times a week but since he is going on his Tour with Chris and August Soon his time spending time with us cut down . Right now me and the Girls are heading to Brooke house , See baby Ken

After that Stop past The Studio and then My Parents house .

I knocked on brooke door carrying tia and Taleah carriers while carrying their baby bags " hey sis " brooke opened the door widely with Kendra on her hip "Wassup Wassup"

I sat The Girls Down Taking Them Out Their Carriers . Then putting Them In Kens Play Pin ..

"So How Is It With Chris and Kendra with Kevin Added On?"

"Well Kendra and Chris have a Great Bond .. Kevin Visits every Sunday and Tuesday Kendra always Gives him a Look like ' Nigga who is you?' " i laughed hysterically at the end , "How is it with Trey?"

"Things are Fine , Just The Tour Coming up im Nervous Taking care of 2 children for 4 month ."

"Are you giving up anything " i looked at brooke confused at what she's talking about till she demonstrated humping the couch it was Hilarious and Unexpected

"No i am not giving him anything yet are you giving Chris Any?"

"Yeah Girl , i needed it and Im moving in with him Next Week "

"Shouldnt you wait After the tour since you gonna be in a Huge house All Lonely "

"Your Right!"

We Played with the Girls Talked till it was 4:32 time for me to go i strapped in Taleah as i already strapped in Tia Then i felt hands on my Lower Back I Turned around And i Was Brandon . " Hey Brandon" i brushed my hair behind my ear closing the car door

"Where have you been ?"

"Pregnant and Now Taking Care of Them "

"Can i see my God Daughters ?" he reached for the door handle then i blocked him

"Why are you calling them your God Daughters ?" i slightly backed him away from the car " Im not apart of this family?"

"No " he walked closer to me and wrapped his arms around me gripping so i wont get away i studied his eyes and looks like he was high

"Brandon Let Go Of Me ! " He put a Evil smile upon his face " I Missed you " he kissed down on my neck loosening his grip i pushed him and rushed to get in the car , as i locked the doors checking on my girls they were peacefully then before i could drive off He Kicked My Car " Son of A Bastard " i said quietly not trying to wake up the twins heading towards the studio


T" Hello?"

C" im here at the Studio Can You Help me With The Tia and Taleah "

T" What are You doing here i told you i was going to stop past the condo" he sounded irritated

C" oh ..... okay you dont have to stop by i-its okay i understand you dont want me around after all your begging in the last 3 weeks " i heard a Female Voice in the back and it sounded like Helen saying ' Im Waiting baby' i felt like crying , but im done crying over people .

T" Crys its not like t- "

C" Fuck it Trey ! Have Fun With Your Company that you have Waiting "

After that i hung up i simply drove to my parents house Dropping Tia and Taleah Off and Drove Back Home .. Walking in Realizing it was a Mess . I managed to get around the Mess , toys , clothes , boxes , mail . Finally made my way to my Room striping off my clothes into Sweat Pants and A Hoodie . About Blue my dog i had to give him away . Anyway i was scrolling threw my photos on my phone , looking at the section i had just for Trey and I ' I Wanted to delete all 418 pictures Till his Call Interrupted me i simply ignored it Turning my ipod on the Doc blasting my K Michelle music . Constant Calls From Trey ! So i Turned my Phone Off I Dont Want To Be Bothered . Tomorrow I Had A Job Interview At This Business Place and The Last Thing I Need Is Stress ! As i was Cleaning - Straightening up My Living Room . In The Middle Of Cleaning Trey Is Barging In My Condo i now REGRET Giving Him A Key .

"Why Arent You Answering Your Phone and Loud Music Blasting Around my Girls" he turned down the Music

"Well 'Your' Girls arent Here and Why Are You So Worried Why You Not Fucking Helen Huh?"

"Where are they then!"

"My parents house ! Dont Yell At Me Like That"


Tremaine Neverson


I Was In The Studio With Helen Because She Stopped By With Baby Gifts , Im Drinking So before She Could Leave I Pulled Her Back Setting her On My Lap .

"Haha Trey I Like This But What are You Doing?" she moved her hips Making a Bulge In my Pants i Groaned at The Pleasure

I kissed her neck making her moan feeling all on her body . Till i was Interrupted With Crystal Calling .

T" Hello?"

C" im here at the Studio Can You Help me With The Tia and Taleah "

T" What are You doing here i told you i was going to stop past the condo" he sounded irritated

C" oh ..... okay you dont have to stop by i-its okay i understand you dont want me around after all your begging in the last 3 weeks " then Helen Began Talking

"Im waiting baby" she giggled kissing on my neck rubbing my man hood .... I went back to the phone sounding like Crystal Was About to Cry

T" Crys its not like t- "

C" Fuck it Trey ! Have Fun With Your Company that you have Waiting "

After That She Hung Up On Me I Never Had Sex With Helen , as Much As I Needed It . I Kicked Her Out And Kept Calling and Calling and Calling Crystal ..

(Flashback over)

" So you Was About To Have Sex With Helen ?" Crystal Said Almost About To Cry But Holding it Back

"Y-Yes " i sat down on the couch

"Here im Thinking We Getting Back Together As a Happy Family , But All You Wanted Was To Get In Between My Legs Now Knowing That You Failed You Had To Try On Helen " She Finally Broke Down In Tears With Her knees Up against Her Chest and She Was Against The Wall .

"Do You Even Love Me Trey?"

"Yes I Do Crystal , And Im Sorry I Am ! I didnt Get With You Just For Sex ! I Just Needed It "

" Who Were You Fucking When We Were On Break?" I Remained Silent , I Never Expected Crystal To Ask Me This Even Though It Was Probably On Her Mind .. "Hello!! Im Not Talking To The Wall Trey!"

"Helen " She got Up And Started Throwing Punches At Me I Kinda Deserved Pain She Still Hitting Me . I grabbed her waist gripping on to it Roughly Kissing Her And She's Giving in kissing me back

"I missed you and never Want You to Do This dumb shit over and over again . If you loved me you wouldn't hurt me as much as you d-" i shut her up kissing her again carrying her to the bed room .

As i laid her down she started to remove my shirt i smirked kissing down on her neck slipping my hands under her shirt un hooking her bra throwing it on the floor . She flipped us over so she is on top , she Kissed my chest to my neck then lips feeling the Passion .

She stopped and looked at me

"I cant do this " i sighed at the fact we were this close .

"Maybe it was a mistake coming here " i got up and she pulled me back down

"Its 7:15 , Can you stay With Me? " she pouted

"Sure . I have to leave early in the morning for an Interview "

"Okay , if your hungry theres Left over Pot Roast and Corn in the fridge "

"Okay" i kissed her forehead going into the kitchen

Crystal Moore

I regret stopping the moment , now he probably feel used . I need to go with my feelings and stop thinking about what happens


Have you saw i used Passion , Pain , and Pleasure 😊😊😊 ....




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