This part is addition to last part cause it had got deleted 😒😑 !
Chapter 2
Janet:" Crystal thats rude thats just like me saying Trey Songz is unattractive "
Crystal: " if you think that you were born with a problem mom "
Janet: " Crys and Brooke?"
Brooke"wassup mama "
Calvin " im going to go get the boys" he then left the kitchen
Crystal" continue mommy"
Janet " i might have cancer "
Me and brooke looked at eachother as tears started to form .
Brooke" well did you go see a doctor?"
Janet " yes yesterday they tested me and said my results will come soon"
Crystal" does the boys know
Jonah " does the boys know what ? "
Janet " nothing jonah . Go back out were talking "
Jonah "okay whatever"
Brooke " so thats a no ?"
Janet "right if i do i'll tell them if i dont then they wont need to know &&& sooooo are yall staying for dinner?"
Crystal " no brooke is actually cooking tonight and kevin is coming over "
Janet " Brooke No funny business with kevin i dont care if you already lost your virginity "
Brooke" mom you dont even live with us to give me rules "
Janet "whatever im not ready for no grandkids now leave my house "
We left the house and went straight home and I Went Straight for a nap but was interrupted by a phone call from my ex Brandon we went out since 14 to 17 and then we broke up cause he cheated on me with his now girlfriend Morgan uggh i hate that snobby bitch she just think she the shit cause her mom a famous model and her dad own his own record company ! Anyway i answer the phone
Phone conversation
C: hello ?
B: hey crys
C: what do you want ? i was napping
B: just see whats up . Uhmm do you wanna go out for lunch tomorrow?
C: uhm you have a girlfriend go with her
B: we broke up
C: oh so sorry for ya 2 years went fast
B: aww crystal still loves me
C: n-no i dont brandon
B: yes you do , no ex keeps up with their ex relationship and plus your stuttering
C: ugh i hate you bumm !
B: aye im no bum so is it a date
C: ughh i guess ! What time
B: Yay ! Uhm be ready around 2 im picking you up .
C: sorry thats to early i wake up at 12 dont get out of bed till 12:30 do my hygiene things and be done by 1 then i eat and thats till 1:15 and then i chill thats till 2 then i get changed
B: well damn ! and you gonna get up at 10 okay ? Cause we are going at 2 ! If you not dressed im going to come to your front door !
C: whatever brandon bye

Love Lockdown ~Trey Songz Love Story ~
FanficSo here is the beginning of a new book i am writing based off dreams and imaginations ! Its about a girl name Crystal Nicole Moore . Always had a dream to meet R&B Celebrity Trey Songz , Trey or you can say Trigga Sometimes Tremaine Aldon Neverson...