5 - Angst

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"What happened?! Why are you crying?!"

Silent tears were streaking down her cheeks. She looked at him, hardly containing her sobs, her eyes drowning in sadness, her hands holding onto her phone so hard her knuckles went white.

"You are freaking me out Shancai, babe for the love of the Gods, what happened?! Tell me!"Shancai tried to collect herself, wiped her eyes and cleared her throat.

"It's nothing, really. I was... They have..." her eyes filled again with tears, and there she was, back to sobbing.

Daoming Si was going crazy, he held her in his arms trying to calm her, gently caressing her back in a reassuring way, but he had no clue on what exactly reduced his wife into a sobbing mess. "Shancai please I'm here, you know you can tell me anything" he whispered against her forehead.

"What is wrong with people Daoming Si?"

"Uh? What do you mean with what's wrong with p–"

"You known to improve my English I'm trying to read as much as I can right?" she wasn't crying anymore, now she was straight simple royally pissed, he nodded.

"I've joined this Wattpad platform in which people can share their stories, it's pretty amazing actually!"

Daoming Si looked at her with confusion. "Well, I was reading this fanfiction about those two actors I ship together so much, you know?"He now was starting to understand, but mostly he didn't want to do so.

"Go on, woman."

"They killed her! They fucking killed YueYue!"


"I mean can you believe it?! I'm here to read something funny, to relax, and they killed her! THEY FUCKING KILLED HER! WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU TAKE SOMEONE YOU LIKE SO MUCH AND WRITE ABOUT KILLING HIM?! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE DAOMING SI?!" and then she started sobbing again.

Daoming Si grabbed her once more in his arms and cleared his throat trying not to laugh "Dong Shancai, are you telling me that you're a sobbing mess because you've read a... fan fiction?

On What-pad?!"

She suddenly went still and looked at him, her eyes bloodshot.

"It's Wattpad. And what's wrong with that, idiot? If you have the emotional development of an almond, don't go around implying I'm stupid when I'm just sensitive! You jerk!"

He chuckled "Idiot, I have the emotional development at least of a pineapple. I'm insulted by your downgrading of my fruity heritage! Let me see that story, woman."

He read silently, and after some minutes he finally spoke:

"In the comments, someone mentioned there's beauty in pain, I think we probably must send them a couple of weeks to stay with my mother, what do you say?"

They chuckled together and hugged lovingly. And Shancai forgot those fvcking angsty fanfiction on Wattpad, inside the loving arms of her husband.

- - -

Linda. Doesn't. Angst.

P.S. I've checked, and it seems that in China the wife doesn't always take the husband last name but keeps hers as a symbol of patriarchism. So they are married, but she kept her last name! 

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