When they're alone with the baby/babies ( Decepticons )

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- He's never been alone with your daughter before

- Him and your daughter have a small staring contest at first

- He panics a little when your daughter starts crying for attention

- He will wear the baby sling when no one's looking


- He tries his best to take care of both your daughters

- He loves making your daughters smile/laugh

- He will dress your daughters up in matching outfits

- He also spoils your daughters while you're away


- He instantly becomes super dad when one ( or both ) of your twins start crying

- He knows exactly what your twins need

- He will take your twins to the park

- If your twins fall asleep on him though he'll take a nap with them


- He loves dressing your triplets up in matching outfits

- He also takes lots of cute pictures of them

- Although if they all start crying he gets a little nervous

- One time he almost got your sons mixed up


- He loves spending time alone with your son

- He will wear the baby sling when he takes your son out for a walk

- He's surprised when your son falls asleep while in the sling

- He will also try to teach your son some easy pranks


- He's nervous to be alone with your daughter

- Once he gets used to being alone with your daughter he relaxes a little

- He tells your daughter about his brother

- He smiles when he sees your daughter fall asleep in his arms


- He takes your son to his lab

- He has a playpen for your son

- He makes sure that your son isn't lonely though

- Your son falls asleep because of how quiet his lab is


- He loves spending time with your daughter

- He will tell your daughter fairytales

- He also wears a baby sling

- He's also loves taking your daughter outside


- She makes sure that your daughter stays away from anything dangerous

- She also keeps your daughter away from her collection

- She does however love dressing your daughter up in cute outfits that match her colors

- She also loves singing 'the itsy bitsy spider' to your daughter and making her laugh


- He loves taking your son to the park

- He will take a TON of selfies with your son

- He also loves reading your son every children's book that he can find

- He always takes good care of your son when you're away and gives him lots of attention

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