First steps ( Decepticons )

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- You both were in the living room talking to each other

- Your daughter saw how you both were standing up and she wanted to try it

- When you saw your daughter stand up you kneeled down and held your arms out

- Your daughter then walked over to you without stumbling


- You both were trying to get both of your daughters to walk without leaning on the furniture

- You both held your arms out

- When one daughter walked over to you she gigged when she fell over in your arms

- When your other daughter walked over to him you saw that he had a huge smile on his face


- When he was in his bipedal holoform he would let your twins hold onto his tentacles to help them walk

- You were surprised when your daughter let go of one of his tentacles and walked on her own

- Your son tried to let go but he almost fell down a few times

- Both your son and your daughter were walking on their own by the end of the day


- It was hard enough with your triplets crawling everywhere

- You were surprised when your daughter started walking on her own

- One of your sons did what your daughter was doing

- Both you and him were happy when your second son was walking, but that meant now you both would have to keep a close eye on your sons and daughter


- He was working out in your living room while he was in his holoform

- Your son saw him stand up and he wanted to try

- Your son then started walking on his own when you walked into the living room

- You then took a picture of your son walking over to him


- You and him had taken your daughter out in your backyard

- Your daughter wanted to walk like you and him

- You and him saw your daughter stand up

- You caught your daughter when she nearly fell over when she got to you


- He had brought a human sized chemistry set home

- When your son saw the chemistry set he wanted to use it like he had seen his father use it

- He walked over to the kitchen table and tried to get it

- You picked your son up and told him not to touch his father's chemistry set


- He was outside with you and your daughter

- He was also in his Predacon form

- Your daughter suddenly stood up and walked over to him as you smiled and watched her

- He made sure to be careful around your daughter while he was in his Predacon form


- She had been trying to get your daughter to walk

- You had to remind her that your daughter was still just a baby

- Your daughter then stood up and walked over to you

- She smirked at you when you saw your daughter walk to you


- He was sitting on the floor trying to encourage your son to walk

- You were sitting on the couch as you watched him

- Your son slowly stood up and took a few wobbly steps towards him

- You both were super happy that your son took his first steps

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