Chapter 9

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The dark night is so silent that one might hear a single needle fall onto the floor and it would be the loudest sound that has ever been heard, as the silence something that has dawn upon this cabin for the oddest reason. I find it strange that there are no sounds anywhere around me which is not what woke me up but as I think of this more and more the silence feels unbearable yet it is so comforting at the same time and it confuses me greatly in ways that I can't even begin to explain. My eyes slowly flutter open to be met with the darkness of the cabin and I look over to my side at the fireplace where it has gone out which can only mean that it has been a couple of hours since I went to sleep and yet it is still night out here because the world is still far too dark and I can almost not even see my own two feet in this darkness even if they are right in front of my face, that is how the blackness has taken over the cabin and with no light this place can be the darkest place in the world. I cannot find any reason why I am awake now nor why my body has decided to wake up yet here I am awake and somehow my body doesn't feel tired anymore, the exhaustion is no where to be found inside me. Though it is not often that I wake up in the night, every so often but not in the middle of the night. It is mostly around around one or two hours before the sun comes up but not that often in the middle of the night yet I find that the night can hold just as much beauty as the day and perhaps even more beauty of one might look up at the stars and see how magical and beautiful they are.

It is impossible to tell what the time is as the cabin does not hold any clocks but that doesn't really bother me at all, as in the day time it's easy to figure out what the time is based around the sun as the sun is the clock and it's all that I need. Though sometimes when the clouds have shielded the sun and don't want it to light the whole world it can be a bit difficult to know what the time is exactly but it's not impossible. When looking up at a dark and gloomy sky I always look for the brightest cloud, that is most likely where the sun is trying to break out and show the whole world that it can still shine like normally and it wants to bless the world with the light from the rays. A couple of minutes pass and when I have gotten a little bit used to the darkness I stand up but I don't see completely as my eyes were to created to be able to see in the dark, just outlines and shadows from the furniture and the objects that are around in the cabin. If I were a Werewolf I would be able to see as I believe they have this ability that helps them see in the darkness but I don't know how it works as I'm not one and I can't do those things. Therefore I only use the walls to guide me and make sure that I don't bump into things that I would not be able to see in this pitch black cabin. Walking to the bedroom only to find that it is empty but I suppose Nick is still out there and I did not think that he had planned on staying out there the whole night as I do believe it is only a few hours until dawn, though I can't be sure of it anymore. As my body does not even feel exhausted I suppose it is all right if I don't go back to sleep, I would've been twisting and turning and trying so hard to sleep that I would not be able to anyway, and I would find that it would be pointless to even try and waste all that time when I could be doing something else and use that time.

I find my way over to the table and I sit down on the chair and stay there for a moment or two until a light comes behind me, a bright one at that but I pay no mind to that for I might have been wrong and the sun is starting to come up. I have heard once from one of the servants that the world is the most darkest right before the sun comes and perhaps that is just happening right now, I never know. But then when I notice the light shine through the window I see that it does not look like the kind of light that comes from the sun, this one is blue. I don't understand it but it does catch my attention and I'm quick on my feet and standing up to turn around to look outside the window in order to see what is going on and why the light is taking form of this blue color as it would not make any sense of the moonlight to be blue and I am sure that it is not even full moon. Staring straight outside the window and trying desperately to find the blue light, to find the source whee it is coming from as I have never seen anything like this before in my entire life. I am sure that this does not come from the sun nor anything that would make sense, come to think of this none of this does make sense at all. A blue light in the night and I can't even see where it is coming from. All I see is how it is starting to grow even brighter and with every second it is brighter and brighter which confuses me deeply but this I know I have to see. This light is something that I feel myself drawn to and I need to see it and I need to feel it.

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