A Princess Forgotten Part 3

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(Lucette's POV)

Streams of lights littered the area along with the smell of fire in the air. The Witch had attack after several minutes of silence from Waltz and the party. Now smoke and grunts of pain filled the air.

I could help, but if I moved even slightly Varg would grab me or the witch would see me and that wouldn't get us anywhere. I scanned the few moments that I had seen Varg, trying to find some sort of weakness in his facade. He's being controlled by a compulsion to find me, to hunt me...like little red riding hood. Of course! He doesn't know I could easily take him down.

He turned a corner into an alleyway and I cautiously climbed down, eyeing both the Witch and Varg as I made my way to the grass and stone below. Shedding off my overcoat, I wrapped it around me hand faking an injury before edging over towards the alleyway.

I peeked in to see him just about halfway through the long path and I forced tears into my eyes and put on my best helpless girl expression, then I started barely jogging to him.

"Please! Please sir! I-I...there's a-" once he turned towards me and saw who I was his wolffish grin spread across his masked face. "Sir, you have to help me! I hurt my hand running away from that...that witch and I don't know what to do. Please sir!"

By that point my knees were giving out and I was clinging to him to hold myself up. He looked down at me with pity and amusement glistening in his eyes.

God, I hate doing stuff like this.

"Oh of course, ma'am, I can protect you. Just come with me." He said and he turned on his heels away from the fight.

The back way around.

I glanced at the cane in his hand. He wasn't walking with it and that seems to be the only weapon-like thing he has besides a possible knife in his sleeve. Focusing my energy on it, I could get a faint taste of magic imbedded into the make up of it. It wasn't powerful, hell probably won't even knock someone out, but it was a weapon.

"Ahh!" I doubled over and gripped my wrapped, face screwing into one of pain.

He turned towards me with a peculiar look on his face but his eyes flashed with concern before shifting back into stages amusement.

One compulsion is me not being injured, huh.

"I'm so-sorry sir. It-it's my hand and..." I trailed off and he came up to unwrap my hand.

So trusty...so naive.

His eyes widened in alarm and confusion at seeing my unscathed hand. Before he could look up at me though, I had slammed my foot into his knee, spun him around, tied the overcoat around his neck, and pulled up as my leg pushed down onto his back effectively chocking him out.

"Sorry Varg, nothing personal."

He went limp and I untied the wrap, him falling to the ground. He was still breathing. I grabbed the cane and spun towards the ongoing fight, darting towards the Witch. I dug my heels into the ground forcing me to a stop as I saw the majority of the party hurt on the ground and the Witch casting a lightning spell while aiming towards them. No, not them, Waltz.

Why is it always him?!

I held the cane in my hands before wrapping both hands around it and raising it above my head.

Please work....

The tip of the cane slammed on the ground and I wave of light flew from the impact before slamming into the Witch. It threw him back, sending him spiraling through the air before landing with a hard thump against a brick wall then falling towards the floor.

The party looked at me in shock, but I barely spared the a glance as I spun the cane up and behind me, still holding the bottom but the length of it presses against my shoulder blade and back.

"Go." I said eyeing the gradually raising Witch as I spoke.

"Princess-" one of them started to say before I interrupted them.

"I said GO!"

I quickly wiped the cane back around in a swift motion and light flashed in a wave from it again, only this time the Witch had a shield up blocking the attack. The shield barely cracked. Running footsteps from the parties direction reached my ears but soon fades with the crackling of magic in the air.

They left...good. But this isn't doing anything...I need to use verbal magic.

Verbal magic had been something taught to me when I first ran away, it was powerful and effective even against shields but it was extremely difficult to control and use efficiently. By the looks of it, however, I didn't have a choice.

I let the ancient language form on my tongue and let the magic fill my lungs preparing to leak and strike with every word spoken.

"Scutum ruptor!" Magic flowed from my mouth as the words reverberated through the air. His shield shattered into glass like pieces against the ground. He looked up at me with shock.

"Remotionem aeris!" Spirals of air left his lungs leaving his gasping and heaving while he gradually crumpled to the ground.

"Hil-Hil..." He rasped trying to say some name but he lack of air prevented him from doing more than chocking. I let up the spell and air filled his lungs again, he chocked and coughed and heaved against the ground.


"What name are you trying to say?" I asked but he only responded with more coughs.

"I will not ask you again, dog, what name are you speakin?" I commanded again and this time he answered.

"Hildyr, my princess, your mother. That's why I'm here." I stayed silent glare unwavering.

"Princess, I want you to help me bring the queen back."

Time seemed to stop as the sentence weighed against the air. People gasped and some yelled in defiance but I stayed silent still. I couldn't speak, couldn't think, couldn't breathe.

Was it even possible?

No I told myself. No it isn't, but it is. I know it is with the sincere cruelty in his eyes and the quirk of his lips into that feral snake grin.

The moment that line left his curled lips another word of magic left my lips. I hadn't even truly realized I had said it once the shock wore off. One word. One I swore never to use again.


He started screaming.

These words are in Latin so if you want to know what they say just pop them into Google Translate. Ok? Ok, bye.

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