Last period went by to fast for Lauren. She wanted to stare at Camila for a little longer. Then she realised Camila was coming to her house. "Lauren the bell rang. Come on." Camila's voice snapped her out of her daze. "Euhm I'm coming." Lauren said a little shy. "I'm gonna grab some books from my locker then I will come to the parking lot okay?" Camila said. "Yeah sure. My friend is giving us a ride home since I came with her this morning." Lauren informed the smaller girl. "Sure. See you in a minute Lauren." She said smiling. She walked towards her locker and Lauren's eyes travelled a bit south. 'Damn she sure got a fine ass.' Lauren thought. Lauren also went to her locker to grab some books and after that made her way towards Ally's car. "Hey Alls, is it okay if Camila drives with us?" Lauren asked the small girl. "Sure Laur no problem." Ally told her. Ater waiting some time Camila walked towards Lauren. "Ally do I look good?" Lauren asked the girl in a whisper tone. "You look fine calm down she's coming." "Hey Lauren." Camila greeted. "Hey my name is Camila nice to meet you." Camila greeted the smallest of the three. "Hey Camila my name is Ally. Lauren told me alot about you." She replied with smile. Camila looked down and blushed. Lauren on the other hand chocked on the water she was drinking and she hit Ally on her arm. The girls entered the car and made their way to Lauren's house. Lauren and Camila were both seated in the back because Ally said her backpack called shotgun. The damn thing even wore the seatbelt. 'I'm so getting her back for this.' Lauren thought. The car ride was filled with the girls singing along to whatever song was playing on the radio. The ride was quick. "So I'll see you tomorrow at school?" Lauren asked Ally once they arrived. "I don't have to pick you up?" Ally asked. "No I will grab my own car." Lauren replied. "Alright then. See you two in school tomorrow." Ally said to the girls. "Bye." They both said and waved Ally goodbye.
Lauren guided Camila inside. "Welcome feel free to act like it's your own house." She told her. "Want a drink and some snacks then head upstairs?" Camila just nodded at question, not sure what else to do. They grabbed a can of soda and some snacks then they went to Lauren's room. "This is where the magic happens." Lauren opened the door to her room. Camila laughed at how Lauren said that. Camila walked inside and looked around. "Wow your room is beautiful." It had a big queen sized bed in the centre, a white desk with Lauren her laptop ontop of it. There was a white bookcase with a lot of books. Camila saw some familiar titles. There were some pictures on the wall of Lauren with family and friends and a door that led to what Camila could only assume the bathroom. "So what do you want to do?" Lauren asked her. "We have some math homework maybe we can do that and afterwards a movie?" She suggested. "Sounds like a plan." Lauren sat down on her bed and patted the spot next to her for the other girl to sit. "Should I put on some music?" Lauren asked. "Yeah sure." Lauren grabbed her phone and put on some Ed Sheeran. "I love Ed." Camila said excited. "Me too." Lauren replied with a big smile on her face.
They finnished their homework very quick so Lauren grabbed her laptop and logged in to her Netflix. "What do you want to watch? A scary movie?" She looked over to the other girl. "Euhmm sure." She replied scratching the back of her neck. She did not like scary movies but it's a reason to cuddle Lauren. Lauren put on insidious 3. She sat the laptop down on her bed and rested her back against the headboard, Camila doing the same. It was cold in the room that caused Camila to shiver. Lauren noticed and grabbed a small blanket. Only to put it around herself and offering Camila to cuddle her from the side. Camila looked at her and wasted no time to cuddle the older girl. Lauren didn't even pay attention to the movie anymore only to Camila. The movie came to an end and Lauren was still staring. Camila noticed. She looked up and she was met by the most beautiful set of eyes she has ever seen. "You're staring." She told the green eyed girl. "Can you blame me. Look at you." Lauren replied. Camila looked down, blushing very hard. Lauren grabbed her chin with two finger and lifted her face up to meet her eyes. "You are beautiful Camila. I'm serious." Lauren told her honest. "You're not so bad yourself Lo." She whispered. She looked up again to meet her eyes but the other girls eyes weren't focused on her eyes but on her lips. Camila looked at Lauren's lips and licked her own. They had a little stare down before Lauren moved forward a bit. "Can I?" She asked. Camila's throat went dry and she couldn't find words.
Did her crush just asked her to kiss her? She just nodded and before she knew the softest lips ever touched her own. They were hesitant at first but soon enough they were moving in sync. Camila crawled onto Lauren's lap so she was basically straddling her. Camila's hands went to the back of Lauren's neck and Lauren's hands were on Camila's waist her thumbs drawing circles on her hips. Camila started to lick Lauren's bottom lip, begging for entrance which Lauren gladly gave her. Their tongues were fighting for dominance which Lauren won. They both pulled back when air became necessary and they rested their foreheads on eachother.
Camila was the first to break the silence. "Wow." She breathed out. "Yeah." Lauren replied. Camila sat up straight and looked Lauren in the eyes. Was she really going to say this?
im sorry for not uploading. i started my first year in college! its been really rough and I have been through a lot of things. good and bad. i met a girl who I have been dating for 5 MONTHS now :) I am so happy with her and im happy im back!
thank you guys so much for reading and don't forget to vote ;) nee chapter coming up sooon!
love you all <3-D