Chapter 4

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Camila: Goodmorning ugly 😘

Dinah: Don't talk to me. It's to early do deal with your ass 😴

Camila: You need to come to my house. Like. Now.

Dinah: Why? School doesn't start for another hour.

Camila: Well you need to help me pick an outfit for this afternoon

Dinah : Okay annoying im on my way

Camila : See you in a bit ugly 😋


Ten minutes later Dinah arrived at her house. She opened the door (since she had the keys) greeted mr and mrs Cabello and went to Camila's room.

She walked in and saw Camila on her phone doing god knows what. "Hey idiot." The taller girl greeted the other. "Hey. Thanks for coming so fast." She thanked her best friend.

"No problem. Let's find you an outfit that makes Lauren want to jump your b-.." "DINAH SHUT THE FUCK UP my parents are downstairs."

"Sorry. Let's get you an outfit." Dinah said with a smile. After trashing Camila's closet for 20 minutes they found the perfect outfit.

 After trashing Camila's closet for 20 minutes they found the perfect outfit

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"Walz you look gorgeous." Dinah told Camila honest. "Thank. Are you hungry? My parents made breakfast. Waffles." She asked the tall girl. "Is beyonce a queen? Am I hot as shit?" Camila just stared at her. "Duhh ofcourse I want food. Let's eat." The two made their way downstairs and ate some waffles. After washing their own plate they grabbed their bags and went of to school.

"Mani come over I need an outfit. Camila is coming over after school and you and I both know this is my chance to make her like me." Lauren told her best friend on the phone.

"You're lucky I love you Laur. School starts in an hour but I'll right over." Normani told her. Two minutes passed and the doorbell rang. Lauren opened the door and hugged her best friend.

"Thanks for coming so fast Mani." She said. "I'm your neighbour stupid ofcourse I'm fast." "Ohh yeah. Well let's choose an outfit." They made their way to Lauren's room to pick an outfit. After 30 minutes they found something.

"I'm not gay Laur but even I would do you

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"I'm not gay Laur but even I would do you." Normani told her best friend honest. "Really? It's not to simple?" She asked a little insecure. "Shut up and get your big butt downstairs I'm hungry." They went down and Lauren made Normani some food.

After they both finished they grabbed their bags and went outside where Ally was parked, waiting for them. "Hey Ally." Both girls greeted with a smile. "Hey Mani. Hey Laur.Damn Laur you look cute." The smallest of them said.

"Thanks. Camila is coming to my house after school so yeah." Lauren said blushing. "HOLD UP! When did that happen? You mean Camila Cabello right? Your crush since the first year of high school?" Ally said with wide eyes. "I asked Lucy for her number but she gave me Camila her number cus she didn't want me to have hers cus quote 'she hates dykes like me'. So I asked Camz to come over so we can hang out." Lauren said with a face eating grin.

"Who's Camz?" Normani asked confused. "Euhm... It's her nickname. She calls me Lo." She said the blush from before making its way back on her face. "You guys haven't even met in real life and y'all are already adorable." Ally said smiling wide. When they arrived at school they all made their way to class.

Lauren was making her way to her last class of the day. Math. She wasn't really in the mood because math goes by so slow. But she was a straight A student tho.

She walked in her classroom and sat in the back. No one sat next go her so she used both tables for her stuff. The teacher walked in and asked for attention. "Class a student is joining this class because her class is behind and she needs to go a level higher in this subject so be nice."

'Who tf? Shit she needs to sit next to me it's the only avaliable table.' Lauren was upset until she saw the girl walk in. "Class welcome Camilla Cabello. Miss Cabello sit next to miss Jauregui, our best student." He said smiling wide.

"Thank you sir. And its actually CamEEla CabeYo. You don't pronounce the L's in my last name." She said a little uncomfortable. "I am sorry miss I will pay attention." Camila smiled and made her way over to where Lauren was sitting.

"Hey Lauren." She said smiling. "Hey Camila." Lauren said smiling as wide as the girl infront of her. Camila sat down and immediately payed attention but Lauren couldn't. She only payed attention to the girl sitting next to her. Man did she like this class all of the sudden.

New chapter :) hope you guys like this!
Since I already have summer vacation till august I will be writing more I think. But. I also have work so I will try my best. Thanks to everyone reading this I appreciate it ❤️ -D

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