A walk in the past: part 1

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Gray's POV

We waited for a while before we saw Erza and her mountain of luggage. Of course, she over packed. She always did that. That's Erza for ya. She set down a bag that wasn't on the wagon on a tree stump that was in front of the house. She opened the bag and pulled out a map of Fiore. She had a large section of the map circled in red.

"Sorry I am late. I went to the master to ask him about the destination of that forest. This,"

She pointed to the large section on the map.

"... is where Master said he was going to head. He didn't give me an exact destination. So, we will have to search this section of the area. We will see if we can find any clues on Natsu."

"Or if he even exists."

Lucy said with semi-sad semi-worried look. I looked at her with a concerned look. I glance over at Happy. He looks like he is about to cry at what Lucy said. I look back at Lucy. She was just staring. I looked into her eyes, and she may have been right in front of me, but she seemed distant. I could see that she was still blaming herself for Natsu's disappearance. I didn't know what to do so I, and I don't know why I did this, went up to her and hugged her. I know it wasn't me, but I know that most people feel better if they were hugged. When I gave her a hug, she seemed shock. I was shocked as well.

"Come, let's head out. We need to cover as much ground as we can before it gets dark. We will take the train but will have to walk the rest of the way there. The closest town doesn't get too close to that area. Once we leave that town, there won't be one anywhere near this area."

Lucy and I look at Erza. Then I realize that we were still hugging, and I let go of her. We grab our stuff and head to Magnolia's train station. We get our tickets and quickly got onto the train. Once we sat down, Happy fell asleep. He must have been exhausted after crying so much. He was curled up on Lucy's lap. Erza sat across from Lucy. I sat down next to Lucy. I didn't want to be near Erza for a few hours. I was already in the same train car as her. I glanced at Erza. She was sitting with her arms crossed, eyes closed, and she had her right leg over her left. I look over at Lucy. She was just looking at Happy and rubbing his head with her left hand. It took some time for the train to start moving. After that we were off. It was going to be a long ride. When it hit hour one of the train ride, I started to drift to sleep.

--In Fairy Tail's Guild Hall almost 8 years ago --

It was just another day at Fairy Tail. I was just sitting at one of the tables, watching the guild members gossip and share drinks. They were loud and annoying. I joined them barely over a month ago. I almost left them because of how chaotic the guild was, but I wanted to get stronger in honor of Ur. She gave her life because I wasn't strong enough to stop Deliora. I should go out on a mission. That may be the only way for me to get out of the guild for a little while. I can't at the moment though. The only person that can sign off is the master of this guild. He left some time ago, and no one knows where he went. I looked around the guild hall to see Erza and Mira fighting. I saw Lisanna petting Elfmen's pet bird. Macao and Wakaba were having a drink with Macao's wife. Max was working on his sandstorm ability that he had just acquired. Levy had her head in a book. Jet and Droy were hanging around her. They had just formed a team. They call themselves team Shadow Gear. If I was part of a team it would not be called that. I was itching to go out on a mission. When was Master Makarov? As if I had summoned him, he walked through the doors into the Guild Hall.

"Hey kids, I'm back."


The guild was already loud, but it got louder. Master Makarov told the guild to quiet down.

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