dumb aguments you had

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Bruce Wayne/Batman
You guys is dumb argument is probably why he can't find his super suit. because it's fun to take it from him so he gets angry and starts screaming. but you come back with even more screaming and put the little rat 2 in this place.

Dick Grayson/ Nightwing

Okay so his dumb argument is probably what happened to all the cereal. Since he completely forgot he ate the cereal within one day of getting it. Which he automatically assumes you ate it.

Jason Todd / red Hood

This boy gets mad about everything even when he's controlling his temper. He still ends up getting mad about like what happened to his guns or why can't you find his helmet.because Jason is a very organized and he hates making messes or having a mess soI think it's pretty mad when you can't find anything.

Tim Drake/ red Robin

I'm not having sleep cuz I makes everyone kind of sad because he doesn't get sleep people need sleep but apparently people.I'm so you come in with telling him being asleep him refusing and that's how it starts.

Damian Wayne/Robin

He doesn't normally get into fights with you but if you did they probably be pretty a bloody b someone going to be dead. Unless it's like something like every kid would fight with friends so harmless fights what happened to the last cookie stuff like that

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2019 ⏰

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