Chapter 2:Voicemail

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2 hours before school starts.


"One new voicemail"
"Playing voicemail"

I groan. Its probably my mom talking about my grades or something.I slowly sit up rubbing my eyes.

"Hey?Awake yet? Hopefully, because I'm only going to say this once-"

Wait.This isn't anyone I know...

"Who the heck...”

I jolt up and rush over to my phone. Its screen was black with a cross on it. I pick my phone up to get a closer look, while the voicemail continues-

"Listen,your God is dead. You and 20 others have the power to take his place. But be careful with who you trust...

I furrow my eyebrows.The hell?Whoever this was sounds pretty serious to. Doesnt seem like a joke. I started to panic. I wanted to tell my mom but at the same time I was afraid something would happen.

"Whatever it takes to become God,am I right?"

All of a sudden I felt my hand get this horrible pain, kind of like a burning sensation as it traveled all the way from my hand to my neck. I stared at my hand. It was bleeding but my phone was clean. I threw the phone on the floor and went to wash my hands.After that I went back to bed,cleary confused and terrified as to what just happened,and drifted off to sleep.

That voicemail was in my head the whole walk to school. I just couldn't stop thinking about it. Maybe it was a joke.How could our God be dead?And what do "they" even mean by "Our God"?Not everyone has the same...

"You ok,Apollo?"

Iris looked at me and gave me a worried glance. Her voice shaking a little. She put her hand up to my face.

"You're sweating-"

She must've been looking at me for a while now.

"Well-Yeah-its just..."

I stop dead in my tracks.

"What is it?"

I sigh. I know Iris would never lie to me...right???

"Did you happen to get a weird voicemail this morning?

There was a brief pause for a moment. The sympathetic smile Iris gave me before turned into a more serious one. It caught me by surprise actually.


She started walking without me but more sped up this time. I caught up to her a little bit. She was a few steps ahead

"Hah..Must've been a bad dream again."

I gave a nervous laugh.

"it better have been.."

She mumbled and the rest of the walk was silent.

End of Chapter 2.

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