Fallen to Ashes: Part 7

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Stan, after finally getting over the shock of what had just happened, hurried over to where Mabel was holding her crumpled up twin. 

" We have to get him to the hospital Grunkle Stan!" Mabel yelled as she clutched her brother tighter. 

"I know kid, I know! Just stay here for a second." He whispered in responce as he walked over to the closet, a spare blanket from inside. He quickly walked over to his great-nephew, wrapped him up in the blanket, and gently picked him up. Mabel quickly got up and followed her great uncle. 

"Alright kid," Stan said, still speedwalking to the car. "Catch me up, I have zero knowledge of what went on today... I was watching The Duchess Approves marathon."

" You were watching what?"

" NOT IMPORTANT, just catch me up!" He yelled impatiently, so Mabel told the whole story from the nightmares and Bill possessing her to the point when Stan walked in the room. Describing each part of the day in great detail. She had just gotten to the end when she had to stop. Stan threw an arm infront of her, forcing her to stop.

    " Something doesn't feel right..." Stan whispered.

" Nothing seems too odd to me..." She whispered back, slightly confused. Stan shook his head.

"Probably just my imagination..." He said, grabbing his car keys from his pocket with one hand and unlocking the car. 

" I need you to sit in the back with Dipper, tell me immediantly if he gets worse. Got it?" Stan said as he gently placed the broken twin in the back. 

" Got it." Mabel said as she climbed in the back seat from the other side, buckling in and resting her brother's head on her lap. 

"It'll be alright Dipping Sauce..." Mabel whispered, taking off her brother's hat and placing it on the floor of the car. Stan started the engine of the car and sped out of the driveway, more likely than not going way over the speed limit. The sun had gone down now and the moon was high in the sky when they all got to the E.R. Stan pulled into the closest parking spot to the door, almost running into the No Parking sign. He and Mabel both scrambled out of the car, grapped Dipper, and ran inside. 

" Everybody outta the way! We have an actual emergency here!" Stan yelled as he barged into the semi-crowded lobby.

'Sir you're going to have to quiet down!" Yelled one of the nurses walking into the lobby. "What's the problem?"

" Its my great-nephew, he's gotten real beaten up somehow..." Stan said, showing the nurse Dipper's crumpled up body. at the sight of this the nurse went pale. 

"I'll get a doctor right away sir." The nurse said as she ran into the back. After what felt like hours she came back out with a doctor and one of the mobile hospital beds. The nurse then suddenly grabbed Dipper from Stan and placed him on the bed before Stan could protest. Another nurse then came out of the back room and went with the doctor, taking Dipper with. Yet before Mabel and Stan could follow them, the first nurse stepped in front of them.

" I'm sorry you two, but your nephew has to go get some tests done so we can figure out whats exactly wrong with him. You'll need to come with me and answer a few questions." 

" What!" Mabel yelled, trying to push passed the nurse. " I need to stay with my brother!" She yelled as loud as she could. 

"Mabel!" Stan yelled, picking up the distressed child. " Dipper is going to be fine, you just need to let him be so the doctor can figure out how to help him!" He said, in a calm but strict tone. What he said wans't exactly the truth, but not a lie either. All the knew is that if it was a lie, he'd never get over it. 

" Sir, you and you're niece will have to come with me." The nurse said, snapping Stan back into reality. 

"Oh, yeah, sure. Lead the way..." 

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