Fallen to Ashes: Part 3

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The sun had risen by the time the poor Pines twins had gotten over the nightmares that suddenly corroded  their dreams that night. After they had awoken, they laid in bed, staring at the celing in terror. Throughout  the day the dreams haunted them, sticking to the back of thier minds, replaying over and over again like it had been glued to their brains. They didn't talk much, or really do much at all that day but sit in horror. The demon watched the two children from a distance, waiting until they became so overwhelmed by this nightmare that they would do anything to make it go away. It took a couple of sleepless nights, but finally, the girl snapped. 

"STOP! Why is this haunting me? MAKE IT STOP!" She yelled one morning while she was alone in the attic. Suddenly,as if it was a response to her plea, she passed out and opened her eyes to a world of black and white. At least, accept for her and a small triangle with arms, legs, a top hat, and a bowtie.

        "Bill! Get out of my head!" She yelled as she attempted to throw a punch at the demon

"Woah kid, calm down! I just want to help!"

" You? Help? Those words don't really fit. You tried to destroy our Grunkle's mind, and then you took over Dipper's body! Then you walk in here like I could trust you? Nuh-uh. No way." She twisted around holding up her hands in a I-don't-care attitude.

" Look, do you want that dream out of your head or not?" He said growing slightly irritated, but to his surprise, she lowered her hands and began to turn to face him.

"Y-you can help me with that...?" She whispered.

"Course I can kid! I'm the master of the mind, remember?" He said as he examined his nails.

"FOR WHAT? I"LL DO ANYTHING!" She pleaded.

"ANYTHING?" He asked, his eyebrow raised. She nodded vigorously.


" Alright kid, you got a deal. I'll fix up this problem and in return you'll do me a favor. We'll work out the details later." He said, reaching his hand out to her, which was now covered in blue flames.

"Deal." She said without hesitance as she shook his outstretched hand. She suddenly felt like she was being pulled through a never-ending pool of ice water, When she finally surfaced from the cold, she was floating. She looked down, only to see her body rise, without her spirit in it. 

"WHAT? I fell for the SAME trick! This isn't what I agreed to Bill!" 

"Ah, but it is! You agreed to do ANYTHING to stop that dream from haunting you, and it isn't, is it?" He said with a grin.

"No... It isn't..."

"Then I got you out of the way fair and square!" He laughed. "Now I just need to kill you annoying brother once and for all!" He said with a smirk as he ran and dove down the stairs.

"Give me my body back you, you, LESS ISOSCELES MONSTER!" Ghost Mabel yelled as she dove down the stairs after him. She quickly followed him to the kitchen, where she found him sorting through the knife drawer, and pulled out a small dagger shaped one and a large sharp one.

"Hey kid, which would you rather have your idiot brother stabbed with, a knife that'll end it all quick and quiet, or long and painful, I think I'll be modest enough for you to choose here." He said with fake sympathy. 

"I choose for you to get out of my body and leave us ALONE!" She screamed. 

"Sorry hun. wrong answer. Lost your chance. I think I'll make this as painful as possible for that one." He muttered, putting the big knife away. 

"Bill stop! Please!" Ghost Mabel pleaded. "Why are you doing this?"

" Believe me, you stupid twins have been getting in my way for too long. It's best to eliminate the competition, ya know?" He smiled. "Besides, if I'm in your body, he won't expect me until its too late anyway!" His tone became even more twisted as he went on. 

"See ya, sucker!" He said as he ran off, leaving ghost Mabel in a state of shock, anger, and most of all, fear for her brother. 

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