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September 14th

5:13 AM

Victoria Kelly rolled over in her queen sized bed and came face to face with handsome, sleeping fiancé. Quickly, like every morning, she pecked his nose and got out of the bed. Tori had a short window of time to get ready in the mornings before Joey woke up hungry. She was still breast feeding Joey, while Jaxon stopped feeding off of her at four months.

Tori threw her hair into a messy bun and washed her face, before brushing her teeth and looking herself in the mirror. She decided she could change her clothes while the boys took their morning nap and ran out of the bathroom. She looked at the time

5:27 AM

She read in her head. The young mom took her phone off the charger and made her way to her nursery.

Upon seeing his mother open the door, Joey stood up on the edge of his crib and held his hands out for her. "Mommy!" He called, causing Jaxon to stir in his sleep a bit.

"Shh. Good, morning Joey," Tori quietly cooed, seeing Jaxon thankfully still asleep. She took her eldest son from his crib and took a seat in the rocking chair across the room. The two silently sat, staring at each other as Joey had his morning snack.

This was the only time of day where Tori was alone with just one baby. While André worked from 7-3 at the gym, Tori stayed at home making music in the home studio and taking care of her sons. Except on Thursdays. Those were André's off days and the only day she got to actually go into the studio with Scooter. Her favorite days. She didn't have to be mommy for those four hours. She got to be Tori Kelly. The Tori Kelly she dreamed off. Not the one she was forced into.

6 AM

Tori stood in her kitchen making breakfast and packing her fiancé's lunch as Joey played next to her on the floor. She glanced to her huge glass sliding door to see the dark sky start to lighten up as the sun peaked through the valley. "Good morning, baby," André smiled, coming down the steps with his work bag on one arm and Jaxon in the other.

"Morning," Tori smiled, zipping up André's lunch box, ready to switch him for a baby. The couple pecked lips, before parting their ways. André grabbed his water bottle and Tori sat Jaxon next to his brother in hopes of occupying him enough to finish cooking.

"Oh, babe don't forget!" The physical trainer called from the door. "Dinner at your parents house tonight. After work we can go to the store to get something to bring," Andre suggested. Tori stirred her eggs and nodded even though he was around the corner.

"Yeah," she forcibly smiled, glancing down at her baby boys. "Sounds good," she sighed as the front door shut. She could already tell by the way Jaxon's lip started to quiver, it would be a long day.

"Daddy!" He screamed, Joey stared at him confused for a moment as Tori picked up the distraught child.

"Daddy went bye bye. He's coming back," Tori whispered, rubbing her sons back in hopes of calming him down. Jaxon was definitely a Daddy's Boy, while Joey was a Mama's Boy. If André was around Jaxon wanted nothing to do with Tori. And at first it hurt Tori's heart, but she definitely got over that, seeing how clingy Joey got after Jaxon moved on.

"Mommy!" Joey soon started to wail. He hated seeing Tori give anyone attention that wasn't him, especially if it was Jaxon. The one year old stood up and held his arms up, patiently waiting for Tori to pick him up.

Overwhelmed, Tori turned the stove eye off, moved her eggs to a cold burner and grabbed Joey's hand. She sat Jaxon in his high chair and Joey in the other. Both boys were still crying their eyes out and Tori was starting to feel panicked. They hadn't done this since they were five months old and Tori had forgotten how stressful it was.

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