Full Disclosure

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7:30 PM

Tori and André sat across from each other, eating dinner at a cute restaurant not too far from the beach house. "You know, you never told me how you found out you were pregnant," André said. Tori sipped her tea with a shrug, but remembered why they were there.

"Uhh, well, we just got into Germany and I was alone while you were at practice,"


Tori sat on she and André's new bed, scrolling through her calendar. She was exhausted and her head was pounding, but she had also just unpacked the entire house by herself. And while those symptoms typically meant her period was coming, for some reason she was three days late. "Crap," Tori whispered as she stared at the phone.

Quickly, she ran down to nearest drug store and grabbed the cheapest pregnancy test she could find. Tori did her best to ignore the dirty look from the cashier and sprinted out of the store as fast as possible.

Back in the apartment, Tori only had fifteen minutes before André came home, so she didn't have the time lallygag. She ripped open the box and quickly took out the test. Because. she was no stranger to them, Tori threw the instructions away and got started.

As the test loaded, tears started to well in her ducts. This couldn't be happening. She and Dré were so careful. Or at least she thought they were. Before Tori knew it, the test had turned positive, and her eyes burned. "No," she whispered through tears. The door clicked and started to open, forcing Tori to throw everything into the plastic bag and tie it up.


"Why didn't you tell me?" André asked. Tori bit her lip, not wanting her fiancé to hate her. She went through a dark period after finding out about the pregnancy. And she honestly wasn't sure she was ready to be a mother.

"I didn't tell you because I...contemplated getting an abortion. After you freaked out when I told you about my birth control, I thought that's what you'd want. But, I got attached and before I knew it, it was too late," Tori honestly answered. She watched André's face change. She could see he was struggling not to get angry and sank into herself. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have—"

"Just..." André sighed. "Just give me a minute to think about this," he said. Tori sighed. Her heart started beating, scared that André was going to leave her. "You wanted to get rid of our kids?" He asked. Tori shook her head.

"I just remembered what you said about getting an abortion if I got pregnant, because we weren't ready. But I couldn't. I had a moment of weakness. A moment," Tori pleaded. André sipped his beer and nodded. He could see Tori was scared and calmed down.

"Okay, fine. I'm sorry. I just didn't expect you to say that," André confessed. Tori was glad she could breathe again, and looked at her fiancé.

"I'm sorry, I should've told you how I felt, but I was worried that you would feel the same way, and then I was worried you wouldn't. I love the boys with all my heart and it kills me just thinking about the fact that I wanted to get rid of them," Tori over explained. André took her hand across the table and gave it a firm squeeze.

"Baby, stop apologizing. It was in the past. I'm not mad," André said. Tori slowly pulled her hand away as her heart grew heavy again.

"Since we are doing the whole full disclosure thing, I have something else to tell you," Tori sighed. André watched her bow her head before glancing up at him, eyes glazed over.

"Tori?" André whispered.

"I think—" Tori whimpered through tears. "I think I," she stopped. She couldn't tell him how miserable she was being a mom at times. Not after the reaction he just pulled over the thought of getting rid of the boys. André's face searched hers, but Tori plastered a fake smile and wiped her tears. "Never mind. It's nothing," Tori lied.

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