Part 2

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I awoke to the synchronized beeping of my alarm clock, I get up and rush into my bathroom to take a shower than get dressed for school in my usual casual jeans , a graphic tee and a jean jacket that used to belong to my mother which fits me perfectly. I fix up my hair curling it subtly ,brush my teeth and pack my bag before going downstairs to meet maya who was parked in my drive way.

"Good morning!" She calls to me as I approach her car.

"How can you be so cheerful this early in the morning?"I ask her as I open the door and sit down in the leather seat.

"How can I not the birds are chirping, the sun is shining and its not to cold out its just perfect."

"Forever the optimist." i say with a smile as she pulls out of my driveway and onto the road. When we reach the school Maya turns into the parking lot and takes the keys out of the ignition. Maya talks my ear off about a new book she's reaching until we reach the school entrance.

"See you at lunch!"she says to me before we part ways.The day went by than after the school day ended Maya drove me home so i could finish some chores before we went back to her house.

"Call me when you want me to pick you up."Maya called to me as i was stepping out of her car.

"Kay see you later." i called back to her as walk into my house and took the steps to at a time and walk into my room dropping my school bag on the floor by my desk. I grab my laundry basket that has all my dirty laundry and take it down to do a load of laundry. when i reach the last step theres a knock at the door i put the basket down by the stairs and go to answer the door, standing i the door way is a tall man in a dark suit with dark brown hair that is almost black.

"Hello I'm officer Jones is this the hart residence?" The man asked before i could speak.

"Yes why is something wrong."

"Well actually yes and i think it may be best if i could speak to your guardian."

"Im sorry shes not here at the moment and i'd like to what's going on."

"Alright but i think its best that we discuss this inside." he said with a short sigh. i move aside to make room for him to come in i walk past him and walk into the living room."Take a seat."i say to him before sitting down in an armchair across from him as he sits in the love seat couch.

"Now tell me why are you here?" i asked officer Jones.

"Last night a man was killed in a car accident.."He paused."This man had no ID, no emergency contacts, He didn't even have a phone on him so we did an autopsy and a DNA test and these were the results." The officer reached into his jacket and pulled out a folder I opened the folder and there were several pictures of him, his mug shots and of him after the car accident. In the mug shot the name 'Robert Hart' was written on the board he held in front of him. my heart dropped at the sight of his name and anger and sadness welled up inside of me. "Why did you come here?" i asked my voice a bit scratchy.

"i thought it would be best if i personally delivered the news."

"Well thank you." I said getting up from the arm chair.

"I m not finished, you see Robert was a thief and he stole a lot of money from a very wealthy man. This man wants to sue your family because of that."

"What! He can't do that!" i yelled angrily.

"Unfortunately he can."

"Well how much did the car he stole cost."

"100,000 dollars." He said. My mouth dropped we can't afford to pay that off with all the debt we already have. My aunt can't know about this it would devastate her, shes been through to much to have to deal with this. i sigh.

"Is there anyway i can work off the debt." i ask.

"Im sure we can arrange something."

"Ok do you mind if i keep this folder to show my aunt when she gets home from work?" I ask the man as he is getting up to leave.

"Of course." He said softly before leaving. I lock the door behind him then put on the load of laundry and call Maya.

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