In a cold cell a boy laid, many men were patrolling the aisles. The boy was about fourteen years of age; he had short dark brown hair and tann-ish skin. "Aye wake up!" yelled a gaurd that was approaching his cell. The gaurd had shiny chainmail on, his helmet was missing its plume. He was carrying a dog bowl of slop.
"What's that?" asked the boy.
"Don't ask, now eat up." demanded the guard. The guard set the plate on a shelf hat bridged the cell to the aisle. The guard went over to the next cell across from the boy's, "DIDN'T HEAR ME EH? WAKE UP!" the guard pulled out a night stick and started to go back and forth between the bars making an irritating scene. When the final person got up, the guard threw their food on the ground making it spill.
"Hey mister," said the boy "where.... uh... are we?" he got out.
The guard just laughed. "hahaha, boy you are in a luxurious haven"
Haven? The boy was about to ask what he meant by haven but he was interrupted by an ear piercing sound. The boy cupped his ears and moved to the back corner of his cell. "Ahh, what is that?" many more seconds of screeching occurred then a siren flashed and the noise was subdued. As the guard and captives were recovering the boy asked "what's happening?"
The guard sighed and then started, "An invasion of wyverns; scaled beasts that will shred you and singed you. It started when a legendary sailor had sailed the winds of doreiku. He took a tusk of an ancient being that resided in the island of Rah. When he sailed back the creatures followed. He had bragged that it would give you what you wanted, but every time you use it, it would then disintegrate a piece away. The problem is those beast want it back and the man won't return it. And then we were invaded and now you're here." The boy was processing this and then turned to ask another question but was interrupted by a banging from the roof of the shelter.
"Guards get the people to the central office" yelled an officer coming out of a door from which the first gaurd had entered as well. Sets of three guards rushed into the halls and took the prisoners to the hall's doors, then into the central office. The guard at the child's cell had dropped his keys from all of the confusion. Once he got the keys he had fumbled through to get to the correct one. The banging stopped, and a wyvern had fell through a weak spot in the roof. It was now in the aisle and had spotted the guard. It was black and scaly, with lightning eyes. The guard looked the boy in his eyes then to the lock and key then to the beast. He stepped back as if to say his final words in a formal way but then looked to his left. He slowly and quietly took off his helmet and chest plate to where he only had rags on. He turned to the door opposing the first, he kneeled, the rushed to the door. It was an exit. The man fell out the door and the beast quickly followed.
The boy reached through the shelf that the food had been resting on to get the keys. He wriggled them to unlock the door and slid through the door. The floor was cracked where the drake had landed and leaped over that crater. When he landed he noticed the floor was crumbling and was falling from under him. As he was running the floor was catching up to him. Then it happened, the boy fell. In that instant,it had seemed that everything was frozen in mid-air the cement blocks across from him, then wyverns from under, and then bells of hay catching the debris.
The boy landed in one of the hay bells. "Agh!" his body was bruised all over. Then a brick slammed against the hay bell across from him." He sat up and saw a giant that had hurled the massive brick. " What am i going to do?' the boy asked himself.