Chapter One

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Chapter One


That's what I feel when I heard that my ex is coming back.

My world came crashing down. My smile immediately fades away. I lost my appetite. I can't think straight. Maybe I'm going crazy?

"Hey, don't worry. Remember he's not worth it," Bella said while rubbing my back.

Bella Ellis. My best friend since preschool. She's like a sister to me, she saved me from bullies and she's the type of person you can trust with. Bella has brown hair with brown eyes, that made every guy in our school like her. And she's my only best friend.

I sigh, "I know he's not worth it, I just can't face him yet," I admitted. Bella hugged me and keep saying everything will be alright. I don't think so. If Monday will come, I know I'm going to face him.

But I'm not ready. What should I do? Although some part of me miss him, want him and... still loves him.

'Shut it, Ciara! Remember what he did to you' my subconscious mind scolded at me.


This day is the day I wish it won't come. I put my fake smile and went downstairs. I went to the kitchen to grab cereals but on what I saw I stop on my tracks.


"Oh! Hey pumpkin, good morning." dad greeted cheerfully.

I eyed him suspiciously. "You're cooking? You can cook?" Let me tell you something. If dad and the kitchen bond, it will result to disaster.

He sigh. "Pumpkin, don't look at me like that. I bought this book so it can teach me how to cook. And it work! Now I can cook all you want. I'm tired of pizza and Chinese foods everyday. Now wake your sisters up before you three will be late."

I groan but complied. I went upstairs and went to my younger sister bedroom. Hanna, is my younger sister, she's twelve years old. She has brown curly hair with gray eyes. She's the quiet type girl.

I popped my head at her door slightly "Han? You awake?" She nodded then went out her room without uttering a word. I sighed.

I went to my youngest sister bedroom, Lacey. Lacey is only six years old. She has curly blonde hair with blue eyes. She get her looks from our mom. Well, all of us gets our looks from her. If you're wondering where my mom is. She's in heaven. She died four years ago from cancer. How I miss my mom.

Mom. I miss her kiss, I miss her voice, I miss shopping with her, I miss her squealing every time she heard I was going on a date even though my dad is against it. I miss the way she smile at us. I miss every inch of her.

"Hey," Lacey said wiping the tears that went down my cheeks. I didn't even notice that I'm crying. Maybe my mom is a touchy subject for me.

"Your awake!" I exclaim whilst I release a shaky laugh.

She nodded then jump out of the bed. "Your tears drop on my forehead."


This is it. I thought to myself.

Once I step on the staircase of our school. Everyone stop and stare at me. Some gave me a pity looks and some gave a .. I don't know. I walked past them to my locker.

When I reached my locker I look around the hallway to find a clue to where that jerk is. And thankfully there is none. I hummed a song just to keep myself distracted. I get my books from my locker until a hand grip my shoulder.

I froze. No. Not yet. I'm not ready yet. I thought to myself, nervously. My hearts beats thrice than it normally do. I shut my eyes and praying silently.

"Ciara, it's just me," as the person behind me spoke, a sigh of relief escape from my mouth.

"You startled me." I put a hand to my chest that now still beating so fast, "I thought it's him."

She let out a shaky laugh, "Sorry, didn't mean to."

I slammed my locker shut then we start heading to our first class. We laugh and chat along the way but that immediately vanished when I saw him.

By the looks of him. I can tell he changed a lot. But still have that bad boy aura. I didn't notice that I kept staring at him until Bella pulled me outside—bringing me back to reality.

"What now?" She whispered.

"What now?" I ask, more to myself. I really don't know what to do. Every time I look at him it just keep going back to the days we spent together.

"Umm.. I don't know." was all her respond.

Wow! Thanks Bella you help a lot.

"I can avoid him," I suggest.

She gave me a flat look, "This is a small world Ciara. I know, we know you can't do that,"

When I'm about to respond the bell echoed in the hallway, signaling that the class is starting. We went inside and take our seat to our usual table. I kept my head down, not bothering to meet his eyes. Ms. Valentine walked in and put her suitcase on her table. She stand in front looking like a scary woman.

"Class, I guess you already meet our new student. But we like to invite you here in front Mr. Conley and tell us about yourself," Ms. Valentine said in a sweet tone. What sudden change of tone?

As if on cue, he went to the front and sent Ms. Valentine, one of his sweet smile. I huff and rolling my eyes at them.

"So Mr. Conley. Tell us about yourself or hobbies." Ms. Valentine said in now a flirty tone. Is she too old to flirt? I shiver at the thought of my ex-boyfriend and my teacher flirting.

"I'm Ashton Conley and my hobby is playing." he simply said. I snort at his hobby, of course that is, his hobby. As he made his way back to his seat, he look at my direction and send me a death glare. I followed his eyes while my mouth hanging open.

He really just did that?

As my mind keep replaying the image of Ashton giving me a death glare. Every word Ms. Valentine said can't register in my head. Then then bell suddenly rang, snapping me out of my thoughts. I'm glad that my torture with him is over. "One down, four to go." I told Bella as I let out a deep sigh.

"I'm glad that you're not distracted at the sight of him a few minutes ago," I snort. Who wouldn't be distracted if you're receiving death glares. "but I'm not sure you can still handle that death glares he keep sending to your directions," Bella said, pointing at Ashton who's staring or I might said death glares.

"I don't know what I did wrong to him. He's the one who left me but it's like the other way around." I told her, averting my gaze to the floor.

I heard Bella sigh, "Just kept your head high and don't show him that you're affected of his presence." I nodded and we went to our separated ways.

-End of Chapter One-

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