Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

We just landed on the Africa and I'm very excited to explore this amazing place.

"Girls, I want you to behave yourselves when our guests arrived," Dad warned.

"Dad, we're always behave." Lacey said in a sweet tone voice.

"I know. I'm just remi-" Dad was cut off by a screaming girl that is approaching to me right now.

"Jeez, We just separate a few hours and you misses me already?" I said to Bella who's hugging me to death.

Bella chuckled, "Silly, that's not 'a few hours' it's hell a lot of boring hours," She continued, "Do you know how much boring it is in there without you. They're busy sleeping and I'm just there dying in boringness."

Bella is only child that's why she don't have a playmates or chat mates. She quote her life as 'boring without siblings'. She's begging her parents to have another child but they we're always busy that they don't have time to do the... you know.

"C'mon girls let's get to the van, the guest said that they will meet us in the lobby of the resort." Bella's dad said. We nodded in sync and get inside of the van.

We arrived in the resort and we all step out of the van. When we step out my jaw drop open. It's so beautiful. I can just stare at this view all night.

It's amazing. No, amazing didn't exactly describe this place. It's more than that.

"Alright, the guest will be here any minute." Dad announced.

I wonder who's family is it? If they have a kids? What if they have a daughter just like our age and we can hang out here in the Africa and the three of us or more will be BFF. Or what if they have a son and he's cute or handsome or breathtaking? Well, the answers will be answered later.

Twenty minutes past and the guest still didn't arriving yet and I'm growing impatient. "Dad, why can't we just get a room so we can rest or put our things there and we can explore the Africa already." I blurted out.

Dad sigh, "Fine, you and Bella can explore Africa first, but be back here in two hours." A smile went to my lips. Bella is jumping up and down in excitement and even me can't hide the grin that showing up to my face.

Africa, here we comes.

"Okay, where to?" I asked Bella as my eyes room around.

"Umm.. well we can just walk around explore things out." I nodded and we began to walk. As I looked around there was a Hippopotamus, Monkey, Ostrich, Ashton, Elephants, Lions ...

Wait.. what? Ashton? What kind of animal named Ashton here. I looked back and blinked three times if it's really him and to my disappointment, it's him. What on earth was he doing here? Is he stalking me?

I pulled Bella back to stop her from walking and hid in one of the trees. "Bella, I saw Ashton!" I hissed.

She creased her forehead. "You're just imagining things Ciara," she said nonchalantly.

I rolled my eyes, "No Bella, I saw him." she went out of the tree and then suddenly she went back with wide-eyes. "Told you!" I chirped.

She look at me,"I didn't saw Ashton, I saw Michael". Oh! I forgot to tell you Michael is her crush and Michael rejected her because of me. He said he can't 'cause I'm Ashton ex-girlfriend. I didn't even know what that means. I'm Ashton ex-girlfriend so what? It's nothing to do about them.. "What is he doing here?" I shrugged then it hit me.

"If Michael is here so that means Ashton is here too." I told her. "But why are they here?" I queried.

There was a pause for a moment then a grin is showing up to her face, "I got it!" She chirped.

The curiosity feel up, "What? What? What?" I chanted.

She look at me like I was a crazy person but then she said, "Well, I don't know why they are here but since they are here we can make them regret what they did to us. We will show them that we already moved on and we don't care about them."

"Well, Ashton already did that," I pointed out. That's a great idea though. But I don't think Ashton will care about that. He already moved on and he didn't care about me anymore. "We will be looked like idiots if we did that. Let's just do what we want to do here. Let's forget about them. They will be disappear a few days and we won't cross their paths."


"Yeah, disappear. If they disappear here we also disappear," Bella whispered to me sarcastically. I was still aghast. Why God is so rude to me? Why? I did all the good deeds. In fact, God owe me big time.

Ashton freakin' Conley and their dad is our guest and oh of course Michael.


This will be fun- Sarcasm. Of all people why Ashton need to be our guest. It's fine with me if my evil cousin is here rather than him. I can handle my evil cousin but with him, I don't think so.

"How are you, Ciars?" Ashton greet. I didn't reply, I just looked at him in disbelief. How could he said that without stuttering. How could he look so normal in front of us, in me. I felt the tears that starting to show up. I looked away from him and excuse myself.

I walked towards the exit and went out, I don't know where I'm going I just continue to walk fast. It's getting dark outside and the little part of me are scared but most of my part don't care. How can I handle two weeks with him? I know he can handle me, but me? Please I just want to ask him an advice on how can he moved on fast. As anger pour at me I kick the pebble and let out a frustrating sigh.

Is this fate? Or the universe is making fun of me or they want me always get heartbroken every time I saw him. It just don't make sense.

I wish I could rewind the day I bump into him. I wish I didn't talk back to him. So this situation will never ever come.

I imagine what or where I was be today if I didn't meet Ashton? Could I be smiling right now instead of crying?

-End of Chapter Four-

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