Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

After the event of yesterday. Bella is now back to her usually self—joking around. We don't talk about Michael and Ashton anymore. And we're not going to plot a revenge in those two morons. Bella said they are all past now and I totally agree with that.

"The pig fly but then he slap himself to prove if it's just a dream or real. When he slap himself, he woke up!" The people around the table burst into laughter at Bella's corny stories.

"Your so corny Bella." I told her.

She fake a gasp,"You just really said that?" I rolled my eyes at her but nevertheless laugh along.

"This dinner is a little fancy." I said while looking around the room. Bella did the same thing too.

"Yeah and it's amazing." She said.

A few minutes later, Ashton, Michael and their dad walk down the stair, creating a scene. I averted my gaze from them and looked around. All the teenage girls gawking at the two brothers. I snort. I looked over to Bella, her eyes were glued to the plates. Poor Bella and...Poor me.

"Mr. Conley nice to have you here on our table." my dad welcomed. I glared at my dad and mounting the word 'No'. But my dad didn't look at me and continue to welcome the Conley's.

The two boys sat across from us, smirking. I rolled my eyes and muttered under my breath.

"What is that?" Ashton said. The table went silent and all eyes were on me.

"Nothing." I felt my cheeks turn red from the embarrassing moment that Ashton put on. I glared at him and he smirk. What did I ever do to this guy?

Bella stood up grabbing my arm and said, " Excuse us." we walked away from the table to the buffet. "I can't stand it anymore Ciara. Dad keep firing me questions about Michael and I. And I don't know what to answer!"

"Good thing dad didn't ask me about Ashton and I." I stated. She smack my arm. "Ow! What was that for?"

"You're rubbing it in my face." she said with a teary eyes. Bella can be a little melodramatic sometimes.

I sigh. "Why didn't you tell you're dad that Michael rejected you."

She looked at me and sigh, "It's not that easy,"

"I know but they need to know so they won't keep firing you questions between you and Michael." I told her.


We walked back to our table and smile sheepishly at them. My smile drop when my eyes landed at Ashton and Michael. "So, where were we?"

The annoying boy answers, "In Africa." sarcastically. I want to kick him under table but he's too far for my legs to reach.

I smile sweetly at him, "Thanks for reminding me."

He smiled back, "No problem."

The table went for an awkward silence. Our families keep looking back and fourth at Ashton and I, waiting if one of us starts to talk again.

But my dad is the one who broke the ice, "Umm, who's ready for dessert?" Then they all shouted 'me' except for Ashton and I. I look at him but his face were glued to his plate. I sigh.


"Well that was an awkward dinner." Bella said while she plopped down at my bed.

"Yes it is." I respond.

She sat up and said, " You know he need to learn his lesson,"

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying we should get you a boyfriend and rub it in his baby face," I looked at her in disbelief. Is she for real?

"Bella. I'm going to do that. I don't need to do anything to prove or rub it in his face that I moved on. Bella all we need is to enjoy our vacation, nothing else. And bedsides you already told me that we don't need to prove them."

She groan, "Fine but if that boy hurt you again. Come to me and we will show him the real Bella." we plopped down on my bed and start laughing.

—End of Chapter Six—

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