The Boy With The Eyeliner

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*At School*. I walked out of my first class and walked into a wall...or so I thought. I looked up to see a bleach blonde boy. He wore black eyeliner with x's under each eye and a top hat that had zebra print at the base. His fingernails were painted black and he wore a black tank top with red and black plaid pants and knee high converse. "Sorry!" I said and he just looked at me. "S'okay" he said and wondered off before I could ask his name. Wierd. Luckily I hadn't dropped anything. Then the bell rang. ---------------------------------------------- *Later That Night* I got home earlier today and finished my homework before go ready for work. I work at the local strip club....don't judge me I have to make enough money for my family to eat! I wore dark makeup and the smallest pieces of clothing ever!!! It sucked but what can I do? It's not like it's my fault my mum has health problems! But anyway I was dancing and all of a sudden my bass yells at me to get off the pole and so I do. "Yes Mr. Bennett ?" I asked " I wanted to tell you that you can go home now." He said in a happy tone. He's always been a very cheerful and nice man! "But my shift isn't over yet." I was very confused as to why he was telling me to go home. He knows I need this job. " Marissa you work to hard. Have the next 3 days off! Don't worry u will be able to feed your family because I'm going to pay you for the shifts you would've done!" DID HE JUST SAY THAT?!???!??!!! OMG! "Thank you sooo much Mr.Bennett!!! You don't know how much this means to me!!!!!!" I can't believe I get the 3 days OFF!!!! I can't wait to got to a party tomorrow (It thurs. At the current moment) and get wasted! Then deal with the hang over on Saturday and finally lounge on the couch on Sunday!!!!!!!! " Thank you again! See you tomorrow! Bye!" I said as I walked out the door to mum's car. ---------------------------------------------- *The Next Day* Dalton's POV. I couldn't stop thinking about that girl that bumped into me yesterday. She was so beautiful! She wore no makeup, her hair was bright red,she wore black ripped leggings with combat boots a leather jacket and a plain black shirt. She had said sorry for bumping into me and all I could say was s'okay?????? Omg and I didn't even ask for her name and #number because my feet had carried me away before I could say anything more! I hoped to see her today so I could tell her sorry for being so rude yesterday... And maybe so I could ask her out...don't judge me! I walked over to Hunter's locker . "Sup duuude?" He asked in his best Californian surfer accent. " Not much, but this girl bumped into me yesterday ... She was smokin!" I responded in a regular voice. "Cool! What's her name?" He asked using his normal voice again. "That's the thing. I was to socially awkward to ask for her name or her digits." I sighed " It's alright dude. You'll probably see her at that rave tonight!" He was right she looked like the party animal type. "Ya." ----------------------------------------------*At The Party* Marissa's POV. I arrived at the house the party was being held at. There was already people drunk and either pucking, dancing or sleeping on the lawn. I wall into the house and headed toward the alcohol . I was stopped by a hand that grabbed my arm and spun me around. He look familiar...

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