Truth and Dare.

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"Dana truth or dare." Cole asked. "Dare...Duh!" Dana replied. "Hmm...I dare you to call the 10th contact in your phone and tell them your secretly gay." (A/N no offence to gay people) "Ok." Dana scrolled through his phone for a moment. "Damn it...It's Sophie..."Dana said. "Which Sophie?" Dalton asked. "Rappitoni" "Ya? But before I answer whatever your question you have to answer mine." Dalton said clearly not getting it. "No dufus your sister." Dana replied while Cole laughed his head off. "Oh" said Dalton obviously embarrassed. Dana the picked up the phone and clicked on Sophie's contact. He put the phone on speaker so we could all here her rang twice before Sophie picked up. "Hello?" "Hi Soph."
"Oh Hey! What's up Dana?" "There's something I need to tell you..." I couldn't help but quietly giggle. "Ok, what is it?" Sophie asked. "Soph, I'm gay." Now it Coles turn to laugh quietly. "Really?" Sophie said sniffling. "But I thought you and me could...I didn't get a chance to.....*sniffs* ok I respect that." I wonder what it was she didn't get a chance to do. Dana then mouthed 'can I tell her now?' We all nodded. "Sophie it's all a joke! This was a truth or dare prank! Now what was it that you didn't even get to do?" Dana asked with a smirk on his face. "Quick question." Sophie said. "Ya?" "Who's all there? and can they hear me?" Dana looked at us to see if he was aloud to say if we could hear her. Everyone shook their heads. "You know just the guys and Dalton's girl." I liked the sound of that 'Dalton's girl' no! Marissa Stop thinking like that! The game remember? "and no they can't here you." "Ok, I'll tell you later because I think they can hear me." "DAMN IT!" Cole said really loud. TOTALY blowing our cover. "See I knew I was right." Sophie replied while giggling.

*a few hours later*

We had all watched 'The Amity Vill Haunting' after Dana and Sophie hung up. By now everyone was either sleeping or had gone home. It was around two in the morning and it was just Dalton and I up. "So what's up?" I asked curiously. "Not too much just thinking." He answered. " Bout what?"
"Nothing, it's personal." Understandable. "Alright" there was a few moments of silence then he just lent in and before I knew it we were kissing. I pulled away. "Babe what's wrong? Am I really that bad a kisser?" He asked with a sad look on his face. "No your an amazing kisser, I just don't want things to get heated." I replied. Or maybe it's because I don't want to admit I want things to get heated.

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