Hello Stranger...

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I walked into the house and headed toward the alcohol. I was stopped by a hand that grabbed my arm and spun me around. He looked familiar...

Dalton's POV

I grabbed her arm and spun her around. "Damn!" I said as it wasn't who I was looking for. I had been doing this for about 5 mins. now in search of the girl who bumped into me. I tried again and it was her! I couldn't believe it! "You look familiar..." She said as she pointed to my face with her free hand. "Ya I was looking for you." I replied and let go of her arm. "That's not creepy at all...but I'm Marissa by the way! Nice to meet you....." She said as she awaited my name. "Oh, I'm Dalton." I sound like such a weirdo! "Well anyway Dalton I was just on my way to grab a beer...so..ya talk to ya later?" "Ya but I was wondering is I could get ur number first?" I asked eager for her answer. "Hell ya!" She replies and passed me her phone.

Marissa's POV

After Dalton an I exchanged numbers I walk over and got myself a beer. *crrrack* I took a sip and headed to the dance floor. I was moving my hips to the bear when someone put their hands on my hips. I turned to see none other then Dalton Louis Rapttoni. "Hello Stranger!" I said as he leaned close to my face. I could already smell the alcohol in his breath...he was drunk. He leaned in even more and just before he could kiss me I bitch slapped him. "Ow! What the hell was that for????" He asked as if nothing had happened. "You tried to frickin kiss me that's what the hell happened!" I almost yelled and walked away. "Wait! Babe come back!" He yelled for me. "No! and I'm not your babe! you freak!" I yelled. I know it was rude but it had to be done. He's a weird drunk. I grabbed a bottle of vodka off the table and started chugging it. It burned my throat like hell but it was worth it! When your drunk everything is different.

*The Next Morning*

Dalton's POV

I woke up with a killer headache and a girl in my bed. It wasn't just any girl it was Marissa. I got out of bed and went downstairs to find Hunter asleep on the couch. What happened last night? I walked into the bathroom and took some Advil. "Ugh! Not this again!" I heard what appeared to be Marissa waking up. I walked back to my room to find her in only her bra an panties. "What the hell are you doing here?" She asked "Um this is my house...and my room , so you should be the telling me." I replied as her mouth hung open. " Did we?" She asked after a moment of silence. "Idk... I don't remember anything..."



Sorry it was so short but I homework and school.... And now I'm learning how to ride a dirt bike so my time is pretty short I can only really update at night..... So anyway sorry lovleys! Stay beautiful my pandas! I try to update soon. 😘

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