Chapter 10

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Harry's POV:

“You are so beautiful, with or without makeup, don’t let those girls get to you, they just get protective over us, but I will protect you in everyway.”  I said looking into her eyes, then down at her lips, fuck i wanted to kiss her.

I looked back at her eyes and saw she was looking and my lips with a cute smile on her lips.

“Thank you, you don’t know how much this means to me.” Tyler smiled, still looking at my lips.

"No problem." I smiled back leaning in.

She seemed hesitant at first, but then she started leaning in, I was about to kiss her again, thank god. I can't get her out of my head since last night. But she quickly moved her head, so I kissed her cheek, just play it off. I pulled away smiling.

“Is Niall, Zayn, or Liam here too?” Tyler asked.

“No it’s just us if you want to-“ I smiled winking before she cut me off.

“I would like to talk to them if that’s possible.”

“Yeah, uhm, I'll call em' but if they ask we didn’t have sex last night, just other stuff…” I drifted off.

I really like her, and I need a plan to get out of this contract, and there is no way any of the boys will help me if they think she's just some hook up.

"Okay." She said standing up and clearly nothing she doesn't want to be alone with me.

I texted the boys who were all busy, other then Niall, he probably wants to get with Tyler, the more reason to get out of this contract. I called Simon trying to explain myself.

"Simon, I really like, I promise this isn't a one night stand." I begged.

"And does she feel the same?"

"W-well, we haven't really, talked about it but, I at least want a shot with her."

"And what happens if it's a disater, you get your heart broken, you're not going to go out every night trying to replace that emptyness?" 

Why did he have to get all deep on me?

"Well, I'm not sure, but that's a chance you're willing to take, right?" I questioned, praying he'd let me have a shot.

"I'm afraid not Harry, at this point, to much to risk."

You have to be fucking kidding me.

"Okay, so Tyler and I are now cousins, so now I can go to a club and fuck whatever girl I want right? Then what, you're going to make her my step sister? You can't keep lying like this!" I exclaim not furious I'm not getting my way.

"Going to a club might be problem for you now. We've sent you a babysitter." I could practically feel this smirk.

"You have to be fucking kidding me." I murmured.

"Nope, Niall will be staying in your flat."

I couldn't take it, I hung up. Fucking Niall, always getting his way, and now he's going to get Tyler.

I waited in my room cursing and still trying to think of a plan, until I recieved a text.



Fuck, I made my way downstairs too see Niall and Tyler just getting along perfectly, dandy. Simon started explanning and getting us to sign, I wasn't even listening, I lost.

“Can you take me home now?” Tyler asked me.

I nodded and grabbed my keys and Niall kissed her cheek.

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