Spiderman (8)

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"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." ― Albert Einstein

I couldn't find a way out, and it has been about a week. The only reason I know it has been that long is Loki brings food to me every day and he has brought food to me 7 times, but today he hasn't come. I just realized I could have used my super strength to bend the bars. I look around to see if he has any cameras in the room. When I don't see any I walk up to the bars, bending them with my super strength. I run out of the room simply to run into the devil himself... Loki..."Wha-HOW" He yells trying to grab me. I dodge knowing it was coming because of my spidey sense. I then run out of the warehouse? only to get grabbed by... Ironman. or should I call him Dad? I look around to see all of the Avengers in their battle stance, ready to fight the man whos been holding me captive."Brother I tough you were in Asgard?" Thor said confused. Loki Quickly summoned his staff taking a fight stance. His eyes flaring a bright emerald green. He sends a green flame at Thor."Don't you dare call me' brother 'frost giant" Loki had a deadliness to his voice. Thor dodges making it hit the wall. Thor threw his hammer, miss Romanoff shoots her gun and mr. Stark shoots his repulsers at Loki. Loki dodged all but one, Mr.stark's repulsive been. Loki fell to the ground. It was clear damage was done. Loki's eyes shine brighter."You will pay for that you monster," Loki says before disappearing. Everyone stood still, still ready to continue their fight. Everything was still and quiet, the only sound to be heard was breathing. I suddenly heard a Gasp from behind us. I turn around gasping as well.There stood MJ, a knife to her neck, held there be Loki. I try to run to her but was stopped by miss. Romanoff, holding my arm in a tight grip, shaking her head. I RIP my arm away using super strength, but I didn't care anymore if they knew. Heck if she dies I wouldn't care if the whole world knew. Running at top speed trying to reach her in time.

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