Potions Trouble

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Medea's body still lay motionless on the floor, right where she fell down. She breathed fitfully and her chest rose and sank less and less. - Then it stopped. Her body was now really motionless, nothing moved anymore.

And then she coughed, shaking at her whole body. She sat up slowly, unknowingly were she was and realized just after a minute of rehabilitation that she was still in the tiny chamber. She also soon remembered what had happened before she fainted, and fear struck her again.

She got up as fast as possible, tripping when she stood because her legs wouldn't hold her weight. Still, she hurried to the door, trying to open it, but it didn't work. In an attempt to open the door, she fell and hit her head. For a second she was unbelievably afraid of passing out again, she pinched herself and muttered, again and again, Don't pass out; Don't pass out.

Suddenly actually realizing what she had tried not to understand before, she cried. She was trapped in this room, with the scary book and quill, not knowing when somebody will come the next time and what will happen if she would be found here. She tried to suppress the thought of what would happen if she was not found here.

Then, with a struck of prudence, she remembered what was embarrassing to have forgotten. She pulled out her wand and pointed it at the door, hopefully muttering "Alohomora!"

When the door burst open, Medea let out a laugh of relief, she ran out of the room and down the corridor as fast as it was possible for her, just wanting to get away from the scene. After three staircases, her legs were trembling and occasionally gave way, but she did not let that stop her and kept running.

When she arrived at the Slytherin common room, she realized she must have lost a lot of time, guessing the new day had already come, but as it was a Saturday she at least wouldn't get in trouble for missing lessons.

With a quick murmuring of the password, she entered the room and saw Blaise sitting in a corner with his friends. She walked straight up to him, for the first time ignoring that nobody greeted her or was happy to see her. When she was just steps away from her friend, she called his name and sat down next to him, happy to have someone she could talk to.

"Not now Medea, can't you see we're talking?" he replied grumpily. His friends looked at her with the same expression on their faces, making clear she was unwelcome.

She nearly had another breakdown, her cheeks still stained with tears. She turned and left the common room, entering her dormitory and falling down on her bed crying. After a minute she chided herself for being so pessimistic and got up. She took her parchment and writing equipment and left for the library.

When she entered the quiet rooms, she was still unhappy, her cheeks red from the tears and her mind on nothing else but how Blaise didn't even notice she had been gone. He didn't see her tear-stained cheeks, not her hurt knee, nor was he happy to see her.

Medea had always told herself to like Blaise, as he did too, he had been so friendly to her. She started to wonder if she just had to meet his longings.

But she decided not to think about this since it would just make her less happy. Instead, she chose to write the essay for Snape, about The Properties of Moonstone and its Uses in Potion-Making, as she had a whole lot of homework to do until the following week.

Unfortunately, Medea had no idea what to write about this, starting with the fact that she barely knew what moonstone was. So now, she was sifting through the library to find some useful books. The thousands of shelves all contained a mind-boggling amount of information and Medea had no idea how and where to start. She also couldn't ask Madam Pince, the librarian, since she despised her, because Medea entered with a sandwich on her third day. She hadn't known the rules, but Madam Pince refused to accept that as an excuse.

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