Making friends

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A month had gone now and Medea had immersed herself in the castle. She got along with the teachers and students of other houses. But she had not found a single friend in Slytherin, except for Blaise. - And Medea suffered under it. She wasn't used to being alone and disliked.

She couldn't sleep at night and had problems concentrating on the lessons. She was unhappy and even when she got closer to Harry, Ron, and Hermione, she was still desolate she couldn't find friends in her house. The three of them grew important to her, but her house bothered them. Ron, the one Medea was closest to, had told her why Hermione had been angry with the boys and what she had said.

Hermione had supported Medea's cause and said something like The girl that helped you in the library and that you liked, didn't change when she sat down at the Slytherin table. Grow up Ronald, a Slytherin can be nice, too.

Even though Hermione had been so supportive, she didn't spend a lot of time with Medea and the girl sensed that Hermione didn't like her very much. She wasn't unfriendly to her and helped her with schoolwork and all, but she just wasn't amenable. Medea thought Hermione didn't like her character. She was way too active for Hermione. She was a whirlwind and the clever Gryffindor was just too much of the opposite to that.

"Gorgeous! What are you doing in the library at a time like this? - Come on out, whatever you're doing can wait!", Blaise Zabini had arrived, appearing from behind one of the many shelves in the Hogwarts school library. He bent over the table Medea sat on, which was covered with books, quills, and a large parchment. The attractive Slytherin smiled at Medea and kissed her on the cheek, which made her blush slightly.

Then Blaise pushed all the books and the other equipment off the table and in the bag that was leaning against it. He shouldered it and grabbed Medea at the hand, pulling her out of the library. While the two of them were strolling along the corridors, he kept the girl close to him, her looking up at him happily.

Medea would do a lot for Blaise as he had always been there for her, she was the opinion she owed it to him. There were also times where he was just with his pureblood-friends, who ignored Medea totally, but that was his due, she thought.

Together they went downstairs and he led her to a great tree that was standing at the edge of the Great Lake. They sat down next to each other and just looked at the water. It was silent and nobody spoke. Then and now, the water was concussed by something and an enormous tentacle was visible. 

"Medea", Blaise whispered. She turned her head and looked at him. He pulled her closer, so she lay with her head on his chest. She looked up to him, and even from that angle, his face seemed flawless.

Blaise set his chin on her head and waited. She breathed harder, feeling his heartbeat and aware he had to finish his sentence. Then Blaise kissed her forehead and pulled her in even tighter.

"Medea, I really like you. You're different, not just because you're from France. I feel like you're special and light up next to me."

Medea's eyes widened and she remained silent for one more second. She smiled brightly; in the unfriendly environment of her common room she was glad to have someone appreciate her. - But the warnings of fellow students, telling her he wasn't serious kept playing into her mind. She ignored them, but it did lesson her happiness.

"It means a lot to me. You've been so nice to me and I don't think I'd have stood through these months without you," said Medea. Blaise seemed satisfied and held her hand with his. They stayed at the Great Lake until the sun went down. In the red light they walked up to the castle, avoiding just merely a scolding by Professor McGonagall, who was about to close the gates when they came. Medea liked McGonagall and felt respected by her; Transfiguration had always been one of her better subjects. However, as they entered, McGonagall looked rather disapproving at her and Blaise.

This night, Medea couldn't sleep well. She needed hours to fall asleep and when she did, nightmares tortured her and she woke up repeatedly, covered in sweat and gasping for breath. The same thing repeated itself the next night, making Medea feared to fall asleep. After another horrible night, she went up to the Great Hall and met Ron, Harry, and Hermione who distracted her successfully.

Medea ate breakfast alone that morning; Blaise just turned up to History of Magic, his hair was messy and his robes buttoned untidy. He stated he hadn't woken up in time for breakfast and had been in a hurry to get to the classroom in time. He didn't meet her eyes.

After an exhausting lesson, they left for DADA, not really a better subject, especially not with Umbridge as a teacher. In the short break to get there, Blaise and Medea spent some time hand in hand, when a girl came running. She looked all upset and angry. Before either of them could act, the girl had slapped Blaise's face and took off, not without shooting a furious look at Medea, who did not know what she had done wrong this time.



What did you think of this chapter? Do you think Blaise is a good boyfriend? Or do you want Medea with someone else? Tell me in the comments what you think about it, and your suspicions how this will turn out; I'm curious. :)

Also, if you liked this chapter, please consider leaving a vote or a comment and know that I appreciate every feedback because it helps me learn. 


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