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Let me give you a hypothetical situation I will be using books
So you have two books and you will need to pick which one you think is more reliable and correct.

The first book has  been around for thousands of years. It has been written over hundreds of years by many different people all of which say the same thing.
The core messages of the book has never been proven false and most probably never will
It's a non-fictional book.
It is the best selling book in the world and had been translated into many many different languages.
A religion has been formed as a consequence of this book.

Now the other book
This book has been rewritten lots if times due to new discoveries.
It has a few different authors which sometimes argue similar things.
Maybe a few thousand copys have been sold of it.
It will most probably be proven false like many books before it which which trigger the release of a new book arguing something similar but also  very different.

Now which book should you believe purely based on these facts.

Now I am going to reveal what each book is. The second book isn't just one book but many separate books. It's any science book that you will ever pick up.

The first book I hope that you guessed it is the Bible.

I have written this because as I am doing RE it is often argued that religion and the existant of God has never been proven so it cant be true when there is a book which proves the existence of God throughout the Bible.
It just annoys me that people don't see the Bible as fact and dismiss it saying that there is no prove of God actually existing when there is a big thick book which proves the existence of God over and over again from the Creation of the World, to abraham and his many many family members to Jesus and the fact that a physical embodiment of God came to earth and proved over and over again that he exists.

Now I understand that they are many people who dont believe it and I sorry but I'm going to offend people here.

WHY. Why don't people believe it becaus I've been bought io reading it and it makes more sense than science.

Science 'proved' that the earth was flat millions of years ago and that the sun orbited the earth and so many other things which are now seen as unbelievable (in most cases) but everybody believes science as the be all and end all although its proven false time and time again. So many people dont believe in the bible as there is no proof but all I see around me is proof. Proof that there is a God from the complexity of the universe to the lives of people around me. There is so much proof. The bible is just one big book of proof that God exists and parts of the bible are believed by more than one religion and can be proven by historians.
But because some scientists dont believe it and instead go for their latest theory the whole of christianity is seen as make belief.

Back to the facts the Bible has events written by people years apart saying the same thing. And for thousands of years the word of the bible was seen as the only true account of what happened in the olden days. I honestly believe that the Binle is enough facts and proof for the existence of God.

Obviously the Buble is more than just a history book and a book of proof it's also Gods word and a way of God talking to us now

Whuch is why I think the Bible is such an important book.

God bless all  Victoria xx

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