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Din păcate asta nu s-a întâmplat căci Iris fără sa vrea a întrat în Kris și a căzut. Kris avea cu el nu suc de portocale care nu a apucat sa îl savureze pentru ca totul sa vărsat pe tricoul sau.

I:Ahhhh, capul meu

K:Are you OK?

I(in mintea ei) :Cunosc vocea asta, este Kris. Vai de mine dacă am fata roșie. Trezește-te Iris.

I:Yeah, I guess I am OK, just that my head hurts

K:Let me take you to the nurse.

Kris se ridica și îmi întinde mana, nu trece mult pana când ii răspund și ma ridic de jos. Îmi ridic ușor privirea rusinata, și observ dezastrul provocat.

I:I am so sorry for what happened

K:What the juice? No problem. I might have a spare T-shirt in my bag.

I:But I am really sorry, let me fix it to you.

K:How exactly?

I:Give the T-shirt to me and I will wash it.

K:You don't have to

I:I insist. I made a mistake and I have to pay for it.

K:If you say do then OK.


K:Wanna come with me to take my spare T-shirt


K:I insist

I don't get to say a word and he takes my hand until we enter the class. He takes his spare T-shirt, then again takes my hand until the bathroom where I wait for him outside. In 5 minutes he gets out with a black T-shirt that looked really wowww on him, and with the,, juicy T-shirt'', in his hand which he gives it to me, then we go in the schoolyard were the girls were talking with Jackson and Bogdan.

I:Hey there.

J:You're tongue is back. That is nice.

I:Haha. Wait, what? Did you just insult me or sth like that?

S:Iris calm down, he is just joking with you.

I:More like teasing me

J:What can I say I love teasing girls.

I:Well I love frightening boys.


I:THIS is how I talk with people that insult me OR tease me.

A:Sorry but I will have to teach this little girl how to behave.

S:Amber teach her also some manners.


A:Yes I do. You know what, me and Sofia will take good care of you.

S:Sure, we will.

A:First thing, Sofia will pull your hair

I:Nooooo not my hairrr


S:With pleasure.

*Yasmin is enjoying the show*

I:Yasmin please do something about it

Y:Sorry habibti but I enjoy the show, don't wanna ruin it.

I:Can we continue this later.

S:Yea, but I will still pull your hair till class.

I:You wanna embarrass me in front of everyone?

A:Don't you think this is what you deserve for the actions you did earlier.

I:Well, no.

A&S:We'll see about that.

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