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D.D(DARK DIAMONDS): AAAAAAAA, YEYYY, UUUUUU spun asta în timp ce sărim și ne îmbrățișam și plagem de bucurie.

S:Nu pot sa cred ca am fost acceptate.

I:Ți-am spus

Y:Vino aici

SM:Girls, EXO wants to talk with you

S:Whatttttt, no I can't do this


S:Bine hai sa mergem


EXO:Hi girls


Sh:What are your names, girls? (spune asta apropiindu-se de noi)

S:A-A S-Sofia




Chyl:Nice name, Amber. I love it

A:Thank you

Ch:Girls make yourselves comfortable, and don't be scared we won't eat you

Xi:Suhoooo, I think you have to stop, you are scaring the girls

Sh:How dare to raise your voice at me


Sh:Xiumin, I just wanna see if she is OK.

Xi:Almost sticking to her face, and not letting her breath

Sh:I am the boss and the mom so I know better.

Xi:Ok, ok if you say so.

SM:Guys, sorry to interrupt you, but I think we have a problem.

EXO:What exactly?

SM:You need a girlfriend, each of you.

EXO:You have to be kidding us

SM:Sorry guys. I will leave you now

Suho, Chanyeol, Baekhyun și Sehun se apropie de noi foarte ciudat, nu știu ce aveau de gând sa facă dar nu era a bună. Fiecare dintre băieți iau de mana o fata și o duce în balcon
Suho o ia pe Sofia, Chanyeol pe Amber, Sehun pe Yasmin și Baekhyun pe Iris

Amber POV

Chyl:You look so beautiful in that dress. Like a rose, a pink one

A:Thank you, but Sofia is the rose here

Chyl:For me, you are the rose (says this while putting his hand on my chin)

Chanyeol'S mind:God, why am I blushing so hard,she is so beautiful and pure. I have to invent sth to go for a minute and relax.

Amber was totally blushing and there was total silence until Chanyeol broke it

Chyl:I wanted to tell you sth but I am to shy to say it

A:Go ahead, I won't laugh

Chyl:Never mind. I will go take some juice.

A:Okk... I will wait here

Yasmin POV

Y:This place is soo nice

Shn:Not the same as you are

Y:W-What do you mean?

Shn:I mean that you are very beautiful.

Y:Thank u.

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