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The dance

SM anunță că este ora dansului asa ca băieții iau fetele de mana și încep sa dansese. Jumătatea dansul nimeni nu a scos un cuvânt, dar după puțin timp băieții fac primul pas și vorbesc.

Sehun POV

Shn:It's not the first time you are dancing this kind of dance, right?

Y:I impressed you, didnt i?

Shn:Don't be full of yourself but you are ok.

Y:I'll take that as a compliment, Sehun.

Shn:Got mad


Shn:Yes, you did.

Y:I didn't

Shn:Ok, you didn't

Y:I win

Shn:You are so childish

Y:Shut up

Shn:Ok, let me confess something

Y:Go ahead

Shn:1st of all you are so annoying.

Y:I'm so touched, ahhh. (she said removing her hands from my neck and placing them on her chest.

Shn:Did your parents teach you not to interrupt?

Y:They did, just continue your rude confession.

Shn:Ok, 2nd of all how can an annoying girl like you be so beautiful.

    Yasmin was blushing

Shn:Yasmin, what I want to say is that I like you and I want to ask you


Shn:Will you be my beloved annoying girlfriend.


Shn:Ok, fine. My beloved beautiful girlfriend.

Y:No, I have a boyfriend


Y:Hahaha, I was joking. Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend.


Y:You had to see your face when I said no

Shn:Very funny

I don't know what got into me but I was really happy that I directly kissed her, she was not expecting it. She didn't kiss me back but after that she did. We pulled from the kiss and we both smiled then the dance was finally done so we started walking to the table while holding hands. She was blushing again, when the others saw us they were like: Our makne grew up so fast. I just rolled my eyes and the other were laughing hard.

Baekhyun POV

When the dance finished we saw Sehun and laughed because he rolled his eyes when we told him that he grew up. I didn't realise first but then I observed that Iris wasn't next to me. I saw her going out so I went after her.

Iris POV

După ce sa terminat dansul, mi sa făcut puțin rău. Nu judec, Baekhyun e un dansator bun dar prea multe piruete, sunt destul de amețitoare.  Gradina avea o priveliște superba și ma opresc lângă o fântână mare și frumoasa alăturata de multe flori frumoase și colorate.
Imediat ce ajung în fata fântânii il aud pe Baekhyun cum ma striga
Când a ajuns lângă mine m-a îmbrățișat și m-a întrebat dacă sunt OK. Iam dat un răspuns afirmativ, spunându-i ca aveam doar nevoie de puțin aer și ca nu m-am simțit bine după dans. Baekhyun a început sa e poarte puțin ciudat, a început sa se agite și sa transpire

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