Boat Ride

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We landed at the airport north of Puerto Vallarta and got a cab to the beach area. I told the porters in a voice Morgan could hear this time that 'my wife and I could handle our bags, thank you.' and I saw the smile twitching at the corner of her mouth.

She returned it in the car by telling the driver that she and her husband were in need of a ride to the pier where Jessica would be docked.

Morgan and her husband were dropped off at the end of a dock, where all the parasailing boats also picked up and dropped off passengers. Down at the far end, there was a smallish cabin cruiser.

Is any cabin cruiser really small? It has a cabin, so it cannot be tiny.

Jessica and Diana were out on the afterdeck of this particular boat and waved when they saw us exit the cab. Diana started jumping up and down in Jessica's arms, but her mommy is a powerful Vampire, and Diana is a human (so far) baby. She was going nowhere despite her excitement.

From a distance, you could see the biological relationship. Diana is Jessica in miniature. Same brown skin. Same black silky hair. I am not quite sure what I contributed other than the startlingly blue eyes. Startling because framed against that hair and skin color, they were almost electric, and also almost look like contacts, but they are really hers. Her baby blue eyes that never changed as she got older.

Diana was chirping "mommy daddy mommy daddy" over and over.

We walked the gangplank, and I took my little girl into my arms and planted lots of kisses on her round little face. She hugged my neck and bounced and chirped. Diana might be the happiest child on the planet Earth. I was the happiest Daddy for sure, in that moment of pure love and joy. When your child is so happy to see you: There is nothing better.

Morgan stood next to me, waiting for her turn, and I handed Diana over. She bubbled on about Mommy and hugged and kissed Morgan. Morgan was having the same moment I just did. I saw her wipe a tear from her face.

I hugged and kissed Jessica.

"Hi!" I finally said after she had started to warm my soul.

"Hi, my love." She said back and kissed me again.

Morgan and Jessica exchanged hugs and a more chaste kiss. That is not saying much, given how utterly unchaste our kiss had been.

Jessica held Morgan slightly away and asked: "You two join the mile high club on the way down?"

Morgan shook her head. "No. That plane was jammed to the rafters with drunken tourists standing in line at the restroom. You have to have sex in the restroom, correct?"

Jessica made an 'I don't know' gesture with shoulders and hands. "I just put our plane on Autopilot and take him there. Not sure what the protocols are for commercial airlines."

"OK. Well, you can take us up and fly the plane then, while Adrian and I go into the back. More room back there anyway. The motion might knock us out of the sky, but hey: What a way to go." Morgan teased. Again with the humor?

"For YOU maybe. In that scenario, I am just flying and taking notes on your technique, which I have never seen. No. If I am going to die in the sky, it is going to be a threesome all the way to the ground." Jessica said with a grin. "And THAT, young lady, is the way to go."

Badinage having been offered, served, and rebounded with top-spin, Jessica started throwing off the moorings and coiling the lines on the deck.

According to Jessica, a rope has to be called a 'line' once it is on the boat, and I do not argue with Jessica about such things. She is four times my age, far more worldly, a great deal stronger, and what would be the point anyway? If someone wants to call a rope a 'line' it is no skin off my teeth. Call it 'little bobby' for all I care. Boats. It's not 'left', it's 'port'. You can't measure speed in MPH or KM because no! That would be silly. Use nautical miles, not miles, so our speed is in 'knots' which is NOT a reference to what you do to ropes or lines. Why have one system, say the metric system, when you can have a handful. I understand why, on our airplane, there is airspeed and groundspeed. That makes sense. At least it's measured in the same unit of measurement as a car on the ground.

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