Moving in

129 7 0

~c/n is color name, it does not need to be your favorite color Sometimes it makes a bad combo of colors.

《Y/N pov》

.... and done

I put the last box down in my temporary home.

I have medicine, but I need to get food... why do we need to eat to stay alive again? Oh right energy.
Well there should be something down the street.
Wait if I'm going out one this warm day I need to change

Opening a box to dig through for a jean shorts and c/n short-sleave shirt to then put them on.  Grabing my phone and key to shop at night.

Why am I always out at night?
I need food though so fudge it.
Locked door and windows...... check
no creepy people in alleys...... check
Grocery store open...... check
Got money.... I think

I checked my pockets and find enough for 2 weeks of food.


<hour later>

Yummy food... can't wait to eat.....
Thought I should be looking for quite a few toys too..
Okay eat then search for at least one toy to know their where abouts.

Carrying bags as I take my keys out and unlock the door

Okay ramen, grapes, water, and oh sweet sweet candy

Putting most of the groceries away,




Should I check that???
It may be a toy so...
Dang it, I'm going to get killed one of these days.

I walk to the window with only stinken weapon I have, a pocket knife.  Strings are seen outside.

OMG, this freaking one, heck to the no if I am letting that thing CONTROL a kid or teen.
Okay look for the stick things that control it, before you rush in, no need to be reckless.

The things are close but will be hard to reach past the strings.

Wait why is it here and where is the body?

Looking down on my now open window, I see it trying to get some little girl.  With fuel to the fire I make my way to the things quietly, quickly, and unnoticed by the freaking toy till all strings move.
Then some stings are choking me so I cut the strings choking me and right by the sticks.

Frick a doodle, what made you jump? And how old are your strings for them to be so easily cut?

Glancing down from the fire escape to see a doll that has the knife I have been looking for in his hand and he is looking up at me, after the puppet fell to the ground.


Okay, I forgot they team up.
Wait the little girl is down there. Oh shiz water.

Looking down and listening I hear them talking and the toy asking her questions while slowly putting the knife away.

What is he doing and wait a minute I don't remember him from the list.

Quickly turning I try to go through the window but a humanoid hand stops me

Use common sence you moron  he is not doing anything to the kid, he may not be dangerous

Turning to face the puppet and

Oh my gosh she is an albino and wait it is a dummy

The girl gives weird look, as the dummy starts talking,

"Parden me, I want to thank you for helping take care of that thing, and would you mind us asking a question?"
"Umm... i... don't...mind.."

Freak I hate new people, they can betray you any minute

"Well then ma'am, why did you cut those strings and what did you think was going to happen  next?"

Frick, I am not in school anymore why are these questions asked??

"I cut.. the stings.. to st-top the toy that ...was gon-na ..control the little girl ..on your back, a-and umm it was ... the way to-o... in words k-k-kill it..."
"How do you know it was going to control her?"
"Parden, but could you please speak up."
"I said it was one of the toys from a list of them a-and I a-are tr-rying... to take care of them s-so no more kids get h-hurt..."

What is this a weird interview

Now the little albino pips in

"Ma'am are you aware of your ... neck bleeding?"

Wait what, Frick the strings were sharp at least.

"No, b-but thank you... now can I please g-get to my apartment... to take care of this.."
"Sorry for holding you up then."

Climbing back into my apartment I close the window and go to the bathroom to clean up my neck.

Okay not deep at all just wash it, little achlohol, and bandage it up
Glad I cut those strings in time,
Ok now food
Yummy food
Oh and some Awsome music like classic rock

Taking out a semi old Ipod, plug speakers in and eat.

Finished two things for the day by oh midnight
Just in time.


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