Possessed ring

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~first I hate exams that have stuff  on things you never learned and the teacher adds 40 more questions you will not need, on to your already 100 question exam.  Two, someone actually read this, as in how can you understand this.  Either way it earns them a flower, and sorry only pic I have is negative. ~

《Y/N pov》

Okay hooray they sent credit, and I need sharper knife.
This old thing is dulled, shocked it cut those strings
Wait he said possessed didn't they
Okay may still bring it just in case sketch things are going on.
Alright still need my wand, I have harder time getting diluted majic out than my father...
Or I could bring my braclet and have better aim for attacks.....
Nahh... prefer wider range of spells  just in cause something happens
Time... fridge... why do auto-amune hives need so much meds to calm them down to not feel terrible

I searched through multiple boxes before gathering all supplies needed for this job.

Okay lastly is phone and keys

Locked the door and started walking to the address.

So far manly apartments around with few that have stores in them.  Hmm places noted to check are antique shop, abandoned building, and nice ice cream shop.
One must have either a toy, a negitive spirit and/or ice cream

Stoping at a apartment with a bookstore at its bottom level.

Ahh so my online articles are readable from bookstores now.
Now let's hope they know sign language because with last night I can't speak straight at all.

Walking to the front desk where a petite young man is organizing the books behind the counter.  Ringing the bell made him turn around and ask

"What can I do for you mis?"
'Well it should be what can I do for a Jay Corey that lives here?'
"Oh, that's me.  And.. sorry for calling you a boy in the email."
'Irrelevant.  I came to help take care of your brother and possible possessed ring.'
"Right, well first he has not taken the ring off and has been lot more aggressive... he is in the back unboxing latest shipment of books"
'Only things I ask is for you to close shop so less attention, do not let any one in till I say so and yes I can speak but not best at it.  And lastly afterwards he needs lots of rest, water, food and quiet, while I need you to  help what ever injury I may get from this process. '
"Alright, thank you."

Jay tells his customers to leave and closes the store, as I go to the back to see young man with a see through brown aurora around his hand and heart.  Tapping his sholder gently, he responds by swinging his hand to were my hand was trying to slap me away.

"What the hell are you doing back here, only bloody staff is allowed back here."
'Calm down sir, you do not know what is happening to you right now.'

Yeah this is going to take a while, that is not normal possession
Being a ring is ment as sign of care
Now it is taking his compassion and other positive traits.
Okay now I now why the did not want to deal with this
The worker sent would have gotten hurt and sued the company
Yesh they need to stop caring about money.
Just need to snap it in half after a spell
But that spirt feels like it will take him with it....
I need it off him and find why it is doing this..
Frick that was never my job, should have thought this job through
Knock him out, take ring and use both wand and bracelet,
No way I can use only one to loosen its grip
Then break ring so it would not hurt him only me...
The things I do to survive put me in more danger than before
Okay I think I stared off too long cause he looks more aggressive and confused.

I point behind him so he turns, while I hit a nerve in his neck that knocks him out cold.  Sliding the ring of his finger, I prepare for lightheadedness from the spell.  After almost falling to the ground, with things moving around that should not do so.  I stomp on the ring shattering it as ear bleeding sound comes from my leg.



The bone in the leg I stomped on the ring with broke and I crash to the ground as the the aurora and feeling disappeared.

*insert 5 minutes of intenally screaming colorful language here*


Jay walks in and help my leg, before we wake his brother up.
After he helps get me to a doctor to check my leg out, as well as pays part of the bill for a signature to put in an article I wrote. 

Weird they started to print them earlier then they said they would.
Home, home, home... please
I need to rest my foot.
I need to stop letting myself get hurt for others
I need someone to help, but sadly can not afford to drag anyone into this mess.
Plus I see few bad witches have been giving me the stink eye....
And good ones are looking at me with pitty...
oh and they could have taken that job, one bum leg is mouthing compared to some things they deal with. 
Okay, I forgot what I was doing.  And can not focus. ..
Definitely need to lay down.

~first next chapter is not y/n pov and let's say Jay got the signature for something else.  AND WHY AM I UP AT MIDNIGHT .  Alright, hope story makes some sense, though this probably just gives things to think about nothing else.

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