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Word Count: 1744

"My parents probably left already," you reminded Peter as you both stepped up to the yellow line painted on concrete. "So I hope you're okay with pizza."

The boy smiled as he glanced at you. "Are you kidding? I love pizza."

The train slowed to a stop in front of the crowd, which was pretty dense for 3:30 in the afternoon. But it was Friday, there could have been some event you were unaware of. As the doors opened and people pushed their way forward, Peter held onto your upper arm, not letting you separate so much as half of a foot from him. He weaved through to the back of the cart so you wouldn't be completed surrounded by people. There was only a small gap in the crowd, so you leaned your back against the wall, Peter having nothing to hold onto in front of you. You both set your bookbags down between your legs.

The train began to move, making everyone sway. Peter's hand shot up to catch himself on the wall behind you. You flinched but shot him an awkward smile.

"Sorry," he smiled. You shook your head and picked up the conversation.

"We should knock out our homework before anything else," you suggested. He groaned and you smacked his chest, registering nothing but muscle.

"Woah!" you exclaimed. "Pete, dude, have you been working out?"

His face burned red as you squeezed his raised bicep in awe. Your nerdy lil Pete was ripped. His free hand reached behind his head and fiddled with the ends of his hair, mumbling an 'a little'.

"Dude, 'a little'? It's like you're training to join the Avengers." You suddenly lowered your voice. "Wait, are you? Did Mr. Stark make you a suit?"

"Stop," Peter whined, pushing your hand away. "Mr. Stark didn't make me a suit, and I'm not supposed to talk about the internship stuff anyway!"

You gave a fake puppy face. You weren't really upset, not expecting Peter to break the rules anyway. But he was your best friend, and you trusted each other with everything.

"Don't gimme that face," he whined again, shielding his view with his hand. You grabbed his hand with both of yours and pulled it down.

"You can't run away from your guilt, Pete."

He pouted and you had to drop the act, sputtering out a laugh. "I'm probably only gaining muscle mass from carrying your things around," he teased. Your mouth fell open.

"You always insist!" You playfully slap his arms, which he holds up in surrender.

The train arrived at your destination and he pulled you through the Sea of people behind him. The walk home after that was only ten minutes. At approximately 3:47 PM, you were unlocking your apartment door and reminding Peter to take off his shoes. You dug out your homework and took a seat at the small kitchen table. You shot a text to your parents, telling them you got home safe. You didn't mention having company.

Peter dropped his homework beside you, scooting closer. "Which subjects?"

"I got Lang and that thing from APES."

"Alright, let's do that together first."

You nodded in agreement, clicking your mechanical pencil. Said "thing" was an AP Environmental Science lab report due tomorrow. You partnered up with Peter in every class you had together. APES was supposed to be a senior class, but you and Peter took optional 9th grade courses in 8th grade, setting you both a year ahead of your peers. You were both pretty good with school, except you were convinced Peter was an absolute genius. You didn't dare to sign up for APUSH with him, though he would never let you fail; you just didn't want to be a burden on him. He always assured you he loved when you asked questions because explaining things helps him understand the material better, but you were sure he already knew his stuff.

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