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The next morning I roll out of the hotel bed at 5:30 to squeeze in a swim before the day officially starts. When I'm sure that I covered all my marks and I grabbed my towel and goggles I head down the hall to the elevator with my flip flops clicking as I walk.

When I get down to the lobby I grab a banana from the breakfast buffet and eat it on my walk to the pool which is just down the hallway next to the elevators. I jump in with my eyes closed and soon I start my laps. The pool is almost half the size of a regular professional pool so every time I go down and back is one lap for me.

As I count up my laps I lose myself to the bliss swimming gives me and tune out the rest of the world when I get to about 45 laps I have to pause to catch my breath, so I grab onto the side of the pool farthest away from the entrance. And put my head down and slightly chuckle to myself feeling my adrenaline running from all that swimming. Only to be interrupted by a voice behind me that makes me freeze.

"Fancy seeing you here, Ariel."

Shit I know that voice, and I know it's going to bring me drama and a whole lot of emotions to me and to its self. I whip around still keeping my hand on the side and make eye contact with none other then Mr. Stark.

In my peripheral vision see that he isn't alone he and Mr. America have brought one more person with them. Seeing them made me finally notice 3 of my marks have been tingling for a while now I just didn't realize it until now-until I saw them.

The two new soulmates are my match. She's a girl with short red hair and a badass leather jacket. Damn I didn't know I swung that way.

I don't know her name like I know stark and captain, but I do know that she is most likely apart of the avengers along with the famous two.

Quickly I turn back around with wide panicked eyes. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. This it bad this is very bad. Shit.

"Come on Ariel don't be shy." Mr. Stark said teasingly.

Finally I took a deep breath and spoke to them-to my soulmates without turning around, "what do you all want?"

"We just want to talk... for now." Mr America said, for the first time, softly. I turn around and this time I look at him instead of Mr Stark and he gave me a small smile causing me to smile back.

With some new found courage I push off the wall and start to tread water. Now I'm  facing them but I'm not much closer to them as I was before.  I don't have that much courage. "Talk about what?" I ask tilting my head as if it weren't obvious.

The girl was the next one to speak but as she did she took off her shoes and socks and rolled up her pant legs then put her feet in the water slowly, "I think you already know what we want to talk about, love."

I shook my head, "I really don't want to talk about that," after I said that I dunked half of my head in the water so that my mouth was completely submerged.

"Why not,Ariel, we won't bite." Mr Stark said who has now joined the red head also putting his feet in the water making Mr. America follow their lead. I don't say anything and dunk my head under the water a little farther down.

Then there was silence that lasted for a couple of minutes. It became so awkward that it got to a point where I couldn't even make myself look in their direction. My morning swim now couldn't be further from my mind. I couldn't even think about it. The world felt a million light years away it seamed to be only us three now in the whole universe, and I'm still in the fence on how this makes me feel.

I was broken out of my thoughts when I felt a calloused hand on my left shoulder I slowly blink up at Mr America fully clothed in a 7 foot hotel swimming pool standing right in front of me.

"We just want to talk. It doesn't have to be about that, if you don't want it to be, not right away," he said with a smile while he gently took my hand and led me over to the ladder to get out of the pool, "we really would love to get to know you though, darling."

Choosing to not reply I climb out of the pool using the ladder with Mr America right behind me... literally. With water dripping down my body I quickly walk over to my towel and start to dry myself off not looking up until I'm satisfied.

When I do look to my mates I see the girl staring at my left shoulder where my match mark is.

Self consciously I look down to see if my makeup was still covering it just to be sure only to be severely disappointed the makeup must have rubbed off somehow wether it happened when Mr America touched my shoulder, or when I was drying off that doesn't matter now.  All I can feel now is embarrassment. No one has ever seen any of my marks, and now someone has. Not just any someone either my mates have seen one of my marks.

Not even when Emma made me dress up like a hooker with her on Halloween so Blake could be our pimp could top this feeling of exposure.

"Aw no fair!" Mr. Stark exclaimed like a child, "I wanna see my mark." He says this not knowing what that would entail for his mark is on my chest, so I would have to literally strip off my swim suit for him to see his soul mark.

"Shut up stark," the red head snapped then turned back to me and held out her hand, "hi there I'm Natasha." I hesitantly shook her hand with a small smile that probably ended up looking more like a grimace, but when I tried to take my hand back she wouldn't let go which made my palm start to sweat but of course that didn't bother her.

"Are you gonna tell us your name," Mr. Stark asked breaking the silence that had settled around us, "or are we going to have to just keep calling you Ariel?"

"What's your name," Mr America cutely asked ignoring Mr stark while tilting his head to the side with his jeans and t-shirt both still dripping water from the pool onto the ground.

Tightening my grip slightly on Natasha's hand I answer in a half whisper, "I'm Ava."

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