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I've been hiding for a full month. I've received Thousands of text messages and calls from all of them, even Thor, who still doesn't know how to use a phone.

After Emma and Blake left I moved into my dorm everything was quiet. I was finally able to think clearly. Things calmed down and I was alone again. Which wasn't a good thing considering what has resulted.

As I went though every event after graduation and coming to New York I only became more overwhelmed. I thought over everything From leaving my father, meeting my soulmates,  to being thousands of miles away from my best friends, and staring college. Everything had changed I was spiraling. I couldn't breathe from the weight of it all, so I pushed it all away.

I compartmentalized.

My past went even further to the back of my mind.

All things soulmates went right along with it.

All that was left were thoughts of Emma and Blake, and my future at college. I texted and video chatted with both of them at lest three times a week.

In the beginning it was hard, I was alone. Emma and Blake were gone and so were my soulmates, but that's how I wanted it. I needed time to find out who I was without anyone around to change it- to change me.

Now it's easy I'm working hard on coming to terms with my past struggles and forming how I want my future to be.

NYU was beautiful definitely better than I had ever dreamed. Not many people are here except some staff members. They allow me into the pool in the mornings so that I can swim but other than that they leave me alone.

When I go swimming I've began to practice using my power because before when I ignored having powers I felt sick all the time like there was something just behind the outter layers of my skin just waiting to burst out of me.

This led me to become extremely worried that my powers will cause many problems while competing. Thus problems with my scholarship.

So at the end of every session I focus my mind on the water and do whatever feels natural. It has become a great relaxer for me because when I use them I don't over think it I just do. So my power is the main thing that has kept me grounded since I haven't seen them.

However, my powers still drains me every time I use them no matter how small the act. Every single time I can feel the lack of hydration in my body. One time I ignored it to the point of over dehydration and I vomited for a whole day unable to keep a single cracker down.

Over all I'm scared-I'm terrified actually. My powers are scaring me if they don't keep effecting me the way they have I don't think I'll survive.

But I'm also scared of what will come of me and my soulmates if I let them into my life permanently. I saw what happened to my parents and their relationship. I saw the ending and it wasn't happy. I don't want that for any of them plus I'm only one person I'm not that important so why am I the soulmate to 7 supper hero's??

I could just go with what fate has given me and embrace my powers and soulmates but what would come of it?

I could continue to fight it- I could keep working on my power and ignore the thousands of messages from them until they finally move on to something better. But then I would be turning my back on fate.

Either way though something is lost. I'm at a cross roads there's no right answer to this one and I fear it will eventually tear me apart if my powers don't get to it first.

*missed call from Peter*
Peter: A! What's up wanna come over?? I miss you.
*missed call from Peter*

Tony: Ariel, when will I get to see you again?? 
*missed call from Tony*
Tony:Don't make me call your devil of a best friend.

Clint: is everything okay?
Clint: don't run away, Ava, we can work though this.
Clint: please

Natasha: hey babe
Natasha: I wish you would let one of us know you are okay.
Natasha: you're going though some stuff I get that but don't push us away

*missed call from mr America*
Mr America: hey beautiful I just wanted to talk and to tell you that I miss you.... we all do
*missed call from Mr America*

*missed call from Tony*
*missed call from Tony*
*missed call from Mr America*

*missed call from Peter *
Peter: heyyy I just wanted to let you know that I'm swinging around thinking of you.

Bruce: hi Ava
Bruce: please don't be hesitant to contact me or any of us if you need some help with anything
Bruce:I've been thinking of your powers and how nervous you were about them. Just don't forget to stay hydrated.
*missed call from Bruce*

Thor: lady Ava! Man of iron has brought me this device that has enabled me to contact you.
Thor: wherever you have gone I hope you are safe.
Thor: the others said you need time but we all miss you.
Thor:I would call or come to where you are but they won't teach me how to and they won't tell me exactly where you are.

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