Chapter: 9 My Mom

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Graysons pov

I just got out of the shower and began to get dressed. I honestly don't know why I was so rough with Bella. I'm really scared that I'm going to lose her but, if I keep acting like that then she will leave without a doubt. I need some space, just room to breath. She has been staying at my house for the passed 3 weeks, she's been with me 24/7 for the past 3 weeks, and then her mom comes home and I know she will be staying there. I just knew that I would miss her a lot and depending on how long her mom is back would depend on how long I would go without seeing her. I know she misses her mom but, I guess I'm just scared that she will forget about me.

After the way I just acted it wouldn't surprise me if I had a message on my phone saying she was done with me. I feel so stupid, letting my guard down like that, letting her take my heart as if it were never mine to begin with. I honestly don't know what I'd do without her, probably go fucking insane. We have only been away from eachother for like 30 minutes and I'm already driving myself crazy. I love her. I feel like I should've told her, maybe this wouldn't have happened. I'm scared to see how she will react. I miss her.

My head is filling with all these thoughts I forgot i was standing in my bathroom. I slowly head into my bedroom hoping she would be there waiting for me like usual. Knowing she isn't going to be hurts, but seeing that she wasn't, broke me. I began crying and just layed on my bed. I quickly sat up and walked to the closet to grab a shirt of hers or something so i could lay with it while imagining her being next to me. Once the door opened my heart dropped, all of her stuff was gone. Everything.

I knew that she was going to leave me. FUCK! Why did I have to be so fucking stupid. I should've been happy for her.

I just laid there in my room filled with sobs, slowly the sobs turned into snores and I fell asleep.

Bellas pov

I just wanted to cry. The only thing I'm questioning is what could've possibly pissed him off so much. I'm currently laying in my room just thinking about Grayson. My mom had a long flight home therefore she was a bit jet lagged, so we decided to nap for a little bit.

Of course I couldn't sleep.

After my dad molested me when I was 9 it was hard not to be scared of guys. Even guys that I've known for a long time, friends, cousins, grandpas. I was having multiple anxiety attacks as the years went on. I was never content with myself, until I met grayson. My dad left when I told my mom what he had done. I was 10, he has been gone for 7 years. I haven't spoke to him, I haven't seen him, he's blocked me on social media, moved out of state, and even got a new job and phone number. I felt like it was my fault for so many years, seeing my mom cry all the time, it broke me. I felt like she was crying because he left. Really she was crying because she trusted him and he hurt me. I've realized that it's not my fault, I don't blame myself anymore, I don't blame him either, I tend to ignore my feelings and pretend it never happened. My dad wasn't a bad parent. He just made really dumb choices.

Grayson and I got into our first argument because he thought I said and meant that I was scared to marry him as if he wasn't good enough or something but really, I'm just so scared to lose him like i lost my dad and honestly, I've never pictured a marriage where anyone but my father was walking me down the isle. I feel like if I was put into a position like that I would just cry of humiliation..

There are so many things that I wish I would've told Grayson, maybe it would've saved us from arguing. I don't know but, I miss him so much already. I just want to be in his arms. :(

Word Count: 764

Ayee chapter 9 :) I hope you guys enjoy. This was just a filler ;)

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