Chapter: 11 Birthday Party Part 1

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Bella's Pov

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I hadn't even realized that my record player was still on. I turned to my side and shut it off. When I turned back around I realized that Grayson wasn't in my bed. :( I hopped up and changed into different clothes then went into the bathroom to pee, and brush my teeth.

I wondered down stairs when I heard my mom and Grayson talking.

"I'm glad I actually got to meet you. I was scared that you just didn't like me for reason." My mom said letting out a laugh. "No I was honestly just being selfish. I was acting like an idiot and I'm sorry." He said I could almost hear the frown on his face. "It's alright, I'm glad I got to know the real you now." My mom said back. I decided that I had listened in enough and walked into the kitchen smiling.

"Goodmorning mom." I said hugging her. "Good morning bella" she said hugging back tightly.

"Goodmorning handsome" I smirked and walked up to Grayson wrapping my arms tightly around his waist. "Goodmorning babygirl." He whispered in my ear as his face hid in my neck.

"Bella, I meant to tell you. I know you're birthday is in two days.. I'll be here for your party and everything but I'll be leaving again that night." My mom said putting an upset look on her face. "It's okay mom, I just don't want you to miss it." I said smiling, her frown instantly turned into a smile.

"Hey, uh bella. Could I maybe take you to get a birthday outfit?" Grayson asked pulling me closer to him. "Yeah, that would be fun." I said pecking his cheek. "Hey Elizabeth... You can come too if you'd like." Grayson said giving my mom a small smile. "Oh really? You don't have to let me go." My mom said laughing. " you're going. Go get dressed old woman" I said laughing and pushing her up to her bedroom.

Grayson laughed and shook his head "You're so mean." I glare at him playfully and grab his shoulders "watch it man, or your next." I say wagging my finger at him. "Dang okay lady. Chill out" he said holding his hands up as if he were surrendering and backing away from me slowly while laughing. I shook my head a giggle "you're such a goof gray. It's cute" I whispered the last part and shove my body against his hugging him once again.

"Alright, I'm ready." My mom said breaking the comfortable silence.

My mom, Grayson, and I are in a store I've never been to before. They have beautiful clothes, dresses mostly.

"Bella, look at this one." My mom says holding up a dress that's not quite my style.

I kept looking until I found a couple that I thought were cute. Then went into the dressing rooms to try them on.

Dress #1

"What do you guys think?" I asked walking out of the dressing room

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"What do you guys think?" I asked walking out of the dressing room.

"I don't know, it look uncomfortable." Grayson said. "Yeah it really is. It's itchy. Let me change into another." I said turning and going back inside.

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