Chapter: 3 Lake Day

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Grayson and I were currently sitting by the lake just enjoying the silence. I grabbed a small rock from next to me throwing it into the lake.

"So, how old are you? I asked turning to look at the beautiful boy sitting next to me.

"I'm 18" he said laughing "what about you" he finishes.

" I'm 17." I say back.

"Damn, you're like a toddler compared to me." He says joking and smiling.

"Sooo not truee. I'm like an infant compared to you." I said joking right back. He laughed and ran his fingers through his hair. God he is so gorgeous.

" No but honestly, I'll be 18 on February 4th." I said throwing another rock.

" Damn that's coming up soon. You've only got 1 month and a half." He smiled.

"Yeah, so whens your birthday?" I asked wondering whether he'd be turning 19 soon or not.

" Actually my birthday just passed not to long ago. December 16th." He said making my eyes go completely wide.

"Wait, so the party was your party?" I asked feeling a bit sad that I didn't know.

"Yeah, I'm glad you came by the way. It was really nice to get to meet somebody who is on such a down to earth level. Everybody else was kinda stuck up." He said looking directly into my eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't know it was your birthday. Let me pay it back to you? We can go get ice cream or something after this." I said smiling

"Okay, that sounds great." He said smiling back.

"So tell me a few things about yourself." He said looking back to the water.

"Well, I just graduated high school about a month ago. I like to sing and some times I write music. My favorite color is blue. My favorite number is 47. Music is my escape from reality. I have a bestfriend named lehlani. Oh and my social security number is 12345678910" I said joking. His eyes went wide for a minute before realizing i was joking.

"You joke around alot." He said laughing. "So how old is your boyfriend." He asked trying to be slick. My face instantly turned red. "Uhm, funny story.. I actually don't have a boyfriend" I said kind of embarrassed.

"What about your girlfriend?" I said nervously. "I'm also single." He said looking into my eyes. I felt butterflies flood my stomach when leg accidently touched mine.

"Well, what your story?" He asked trying not to be boring.

"Oh, uhm. I'd rather not talk about it, not that I don't trust you but, it's like everytime I tell people stuff that has happened they tell other people, or even worse they apologize to me constantly saying "I'm sorry" for things that even I couldn't have controlled. My least favorite part about telling people about my past is that I'm afraid people are gonna think that I'm only telling them because I want attention. The last thing that I want is attention from something so negative. So I rather keep it to myself." I say telling him honestly.

"You don't have to tell me, I completely understand. Things can be hard sometimes but, if you ever need to talk to me about anything I'll be here, waiting till you're ready." He said grabbing my hand and squeezing sending chills through my body.

"Thank you Grayson. It means a lot" I say pulling my hand away from his. As much as I'd love to sit there holding his hand I didn't want to get to close to him yet. I'm still so unsure of everything.

"Don't worry about it." He said looking at my hand then back at his then turning his attention towards the lake not looking into my eyes.

"So, could you tell me a bit about yourself?" I said nudging his shoulder.

"Well, I'm from New Jersey, I have a twin brother named Ethan and an older sister named Cameron. I love taking pictures whether it be of a beautiful scene or a beautiful person. My favorite color is green, my favorite number is also 47, it was my football number when I was younger." He said finally turning to look at me.

We sat there a bit longer learning new things about eachother. It started getting a bit darker so we decided to go get ice cream.


We got our ice cream and I payed as a kind of small late birthday present for Grayson.

Grayson was driving me to Lehlani's house and on the way there he kept looking at me smiling at me.

Once we reached her place I looked at Grayson "This is it." I said pointing to her house.

"I had an amazing time with you tonight. Thank you for pulling me out of my own world for a while." I said smiling at him.

"Anytime, I had a great night to. Hopefully we could do it again sometime.." he said smiling back.

I reached across to his seat and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight Grayson" I said before leaving his Mustang and heading into Lehlani's house.

I heard Grayson pull off and I ran into her house knowing she would be ready for me to spill everything that happened.


"It was nothing honestly, we just went to the lake and talked, got to know eachother a little better. Then we went for ice cream." I said smiling.

"If it was nothing then why are you smiling like a goof right now?" She asked. I didn't have an answer so I just dropped my smile.

" So what else happened?" She asked with wondering eyes.

"Nothing that was it." I said backing away as she stepped closer.

" I SAW YOU KISS HIS CHEEK. YOU LOOOOOOVE HIM!" She said obnoxiously making me giggle.

" He's just a friend. A very cute, interesting, adorable, funny, friend." I said in aweh.

" Okay wait, are you trying to make me believe you like him or that you don't like him?" She said with a fake confused look. Oh my god. She was right that did sound like I like him.

Skip to bedtime

I got my bag and grabbed my clothes heading to the bathroom to change, I quickly put on some shorts and a tank top.


I heard my phone go vibrate against the counter, I turned the screen on and saw a text from Grayson.

Grayson🍕: Hey, thank you again for the amazing night. I hope you sleep well, goodnight beautiful.

I screamed in excitement and jumped up and down, suddenly realizing I was still at Lehlani's house so i quieted down and replied to him.

Me: Thank you. It was amazing for me as well lol, I hope you sleep well too. Goodnight handsome.

Grayson🍕: ❤

Woah. Okay so I might have a tiny crush on Grayson, but I don't know. I don't want him to think I'm a freak, I'm just gonna keep it to myself for now.

Word Count: 1206

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