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It was a windy and cloudy day, Daniela Calle sat in her living room couch waiting for her wife to get home, it was a perfect day in her opinion, and both her wife and her loved windy cloudy days. These were the days that they both choose to stay home and watch films, snuggle into one another and just savor the feeling of being close to their lover. Three years had passed since they had gotten married, three years of pure joy and happiness for both of them after so many years of insecurities and doubts that surrounded their relationship, everything was perfect, until now, she stared at the invitation she was holding, reading over and over the words that were written in golden bold letters, "Valeria & Sebastian have the pleasure to invite you and your family to their awaited wedding ceremony. It will take place November 19th 2017 in the G&G Resort situated in St. Monica. Please give us the honor of accompanying the happy couple". Attached to the invitation was a note, it was that note what worried Calle the most, after all, they had missed many family events in the past but the question was, Would Maria Jose be strong enough to miss this event like she did all the others? Would she even want to miss it? What would happen if she didn't?

Calle knew well enough that the bride was her wife's favorite cousin, the most important of them all, she wouldn't miss this event for anything in the world! The moment Poché found out her younger cousin had finally made things official with her young boyfriend she was so happy, thrilled actually, talking about them always playing cat and dog and how hot headed they both were, but now, she dreaded her wife's arrival, Poché had received an urgent call from the Resort earlier that day and had to go in to sort the issue out telling Calle she would be back as soon as she could. Right after Poché's departure Bruno, their mailman arrived and knocked on their front door handing Juanita the invitation in an emerald colored box. It was addressed to her wife but they never minded names, there were no secrets in their relationship and it was an unspoken agreement that either one of them could open anything as if it were addressed to both. Just as Daniela read the note out loud one more time she heard the front door opening and her wife's voice asking Juanita a question, a few minutes later Poché appeared in the living room's entrance, a huge smile on her lips and her eyes looking straight into her's.

"Hello gorgeous!" She said, leaning herself on the wall behind her and crossing her arms.

"Hello yourself!" Replied Calle heading a small smile her way.

Poché knew right away something was bothering her, they knew each other so well that no words were needed between them. She pushed herself off the wall and approached her slowly taking a seat in her lover's lap and stroking the back of her neck.

"You ok?" She asked knowing very well Calle would give her a positive answer.

"Yeah, I'm good. How about you?" Poché looked into her eyes and shook her head slightly, she lowered herself slowly to her wife's lips and gave her a lingering kiss, after the kiss ended she looked Calle straight in the eyes and said "You know you can't fool me, how are you really? Did something go wrong while I was gone?"

Calle smiled at her and looked behind at the coffee table that was placed in front of the couch neatly, she stretched her right arm and took the invitation, she had placed it back inside the box when she heard her wife talking to Juanita, it had meant to be a surprise for Poché after all. She handed her the box and waited. Poché took the box from her hand and smiled at it, "What's this?" she asked.

"Bruno brought it a little after you left."

"It has no address, who's it from?"

"He said an employee from the resort came to deliver it, apparently it was sent there from the G&G in St. Monica, open it babe, there's a note inside too."

ALL FOR YOU.  CALLE & POCHÉ // ENGLISH VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now