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Dragging me behind him, we arrived at his doorstep.
My wrist felt like it was burning, yet numb at the same time. These were new feelings and I wasn't sure how to process them.

Tendō quickly unlocked his front door and pulled me inside.

"My mom's not home, so it's fine!" His smile beamed.

Nodding, I followed him to his room. I sat down on the floor, as he sat on his bed. He motioned for me to sit beside him. Obeying, I sat beside him, the mattress sinking from my weight.

He turned and faced me, the same curiosity shining in his eyes.
"So! Love, eh?!"

He seemed too excited about this topic.

"J-Just," I glanced at his hands. "It's not important."

I wanted to grab his hands. I wanted to know if they were as rough as mine. I wanted to trace his palms, and innocently hold his hand. But I also wanted his hands on me, pawing at me...


I drew in a deep inhale, trying to keep my face as stoic as possible.

"Wakatoshi-kun?" His voice broke my concentration.

Snapping my head in his direction, his eyes grew wide.
"Were you not listening?"

I shook my head.

"That's a first," he chuckled, scooting his body closer to mine. "Well, what do you want to know about love?"

"You say that as if you're an expert," I looked down at him, leaning away from him.

Sighing, he leaned away from me and I let out a breath that I was apparently holding.
"I know more than you."

"Like what?" I was intrigued. What did he know?

"Well, I know I like guys," His tone was confident. "Do you even know what you like?"


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