(D.W.) Kidnapped pt.2

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I cradled myself as I rocked back and forth on the cold dirt floor of the abandoned warehouse.  Tears streamed freely down my face. I had no way of escaping this hell except death. The Joker never seemed to care enough to give me that mercy. The next time he put a gun in my hand, I wouldn't give him the sadistic pleasure of tormenting he so desire, instead, I'd end it all.

A loud commotion outside my room broke my thoughts and I struggled to my feet only to fall back down and collide with the ground hard. I was too broken to get up, to do anything.

"Help!" I croaked only now realizing how dry my throat was. 

I dragged myself across the floor trying to reach the door, but I was too weak. Every movement I made sent another jolt of pain through my body and it was unbearable.

"Help!" I called out again as the commotion quietened. I laid down on my back feeling a wave of dizziness overcome me. My eyelids felt heavy as I forced them to stay open, now wasn't the time to give up.

The door slammed open and I strained my next to see who it was. "Robin?" I breathed out in relief.
"Y/n, you're alive!" The boy rushed in and picked me up. I winched in pain as he moved my hair out of my face. "I thought that he had killed you," Robin whispered as he looked over me, as he looked at what state I was in.

"How do you know my name?" I was barely able to get the words out.
"Shhh. You're safe now, just rest." His words were soft yet urgent. I let my head fall in the groove of his neck and I smiled at the familiar smell.
"Damian?" I questioned hopefull 
"Yes, beloved." Tears slipped down my face 
"But I saw Joker shoot you, he left you there to die."
"I couldn't die without finding you y/n. I couldn't let him hurt you and get away with it. I am so sorry it took me this long to find you, and for that, I can never forgive myself." He looked at me through his domino mask as he took me as far away from the warehouse as possible.

"But you found me, alive. I love you, Damian Wayne. You're my hero." I stroked his cheek, wiping away his tear before the tiredness finally took over.

I know it's a little short but I hope it was the happy ending you were looking for :) 

MidWinter Mist xx

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