(D.G.) Crater pt.3

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*Robin's (Dick Grayson's) P.O.V*

It had been two months since we had found y/n. She didn't talk much and kept mostly to herself. She had joined the team and trained alongside us as one of us, though I could tell that she felt like an outsider. Everyone seemed to make sure of that, and I hated it. She hadn't done anything to deserve it and that's why I tried my best to be the one person that was there for her.

One night after training I went to go find her room. It had been one of those kinds of sessions again, Black Canary wouldn't let up. So I went to go check on y/n to make sure that she was okay.

I knocked on her door a few times and was met with that beautiful smile of hers. I blushed at the thought and mentally scolded myself for thinking it.
"Hey Robin, can I help you?" She moved away from the door letting me come in.
"I just wanted to make sure you were okay, training was a little..." I struggled to find the right words.
"Intense." She suggested. We both chuckled a little before falling quiet.

"Penny for your thoughts." I could sense that there was something on her mind.
"Oh, you would be rich Robin." She laughed

"Why do they treat me the way that they do?" I looked over at y/n, her head was down, eyes focused on her shoes.
"I don't know." I wish I knew why I thought.
"Maybe if I could open up, they'd except me." She paused for a moment before adding "Or send me back to where I come from." Though she had whispered it, it was loud enough for me to hear. I could see the pain written all over her face. I could see she wanted to say something, to say so much but she held her breath in fear.

"Y/n," I walked over to stand in front of her. "You know that you can trust me." I smiled kindly.
"Trust you, I don't even know your name."A smirk played across her face to tell me she was joking
I took in a heavyhearted breath "Richard Grayson, Dick for short." I let my shoulders go as the tension I had been feeling washed away. Y/n looked up at me, a little bit of hope crossed her eyes.

"I can see it in the way you look, that you remember more than you lead us to believe. About your past. Why hide it?" I asked stepping back to give her some space so she didn't feel cornered.
"Because-" She trailed off.
"Because it isn't happy." She choked out, her eyes lined with tears and in an instant, I wished that I hadn't asked.

We stared at each other for what felt like a lifetime before she broke the silence. "I come from a planet called Euphorix, in the star system Vega."
I thought for a moment, the name seemed familiar, it was on the tip of my tongue but just out of reach.

"There isn't anything really special about us Euphorians really. We are much like you, though some of us don't have pupils." She smiled a little at the look on my face. "And those of us who have powers only have them because of scientific experiments." 
"You have powers," I stated, remembering when she had blasted a hole in one of the walls accidentally.
"Yeah, I have powers." She stopped in her tracks "It was about 3 years ago, I was walking home through the citadel and I felt this tight grip around my arm. These men, they took me away and threw me into some kind of a cell. Everything was dark and wet, there was a leak in the corner of the ceiling. The floor was dirt and there was nothing in the room except for my thoughts. It was a couple of weeks before they came back and when they did, I had wished I was dead." She stopped to read my face, to see what I was thinking. She moved to sit on her bed and I took a seat next to her and held her hand tightly in mine to comfort her. It was all that I could do for her right now as I listened to the horrid details.

"They tied me down to a chair, injected me more times than I can count, with all sorts of chemicals and drugs. They tortured me. Then said it was all for the greater good, that someday I would return to my home and show all the other Euphorians what we could become. But it was all just a nightmare that never ended." Her hands began to shake at the memory.

"One day one of the men, he didn't tie the straps down enough and I got free and ran. I ran and ran until I found the pod. I wasted time trying to open it. By then they had found me. That's when I discovered what I could do. My hands raised up as if they had a mind of their own and in an instance, the men were obliterated. Their blood splattered all over the ground and piece of them spread far. I knew that more would come and so I got into the pod and left."

Tears streamed down her face "None of that is your fault y/n." I spoke quietly, I'm surprised she heard me.
She shook her head "Yes Dick, it is. I killed those men. They did horrible, unspeakable things to me. But I killed them. Murdered. I'm a murderer." I could sense her anxiety.
"It is not your fault."
"Then whose is it!" She yelled in frustration.

"Theirs." I simply stated.

"How can anyone trust me after what I did, how can you trust me?" Y/n looked at me, I took off my domino mask revealing all of my identity. 
"I trust you because I know you. From the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew that you were more than just some girl from outer space. We all have a past, some darker than others. But that doesn't have to define you. Y/n, what I see in you is a beautiful, intelligent person who deserves all the love in the world. The team will all see it too, you just need to give it some time." I reached out and wiped the tears the fell on her cheeks.

"Y/n you are without a doubt perfect." And there it was again, that smile that I adored.

I didn't quite know why, but maybe one day I'd find out, why I had fallen for y/n. Something drew me towards her. A voice inside me told me that I was meant to find her and I believed it.

Okay maybe the ending was a little cheesy, and I don't think this turned out quite how I wanted it too. But I can always go back and edit it right haha. Next, I will put up a chapter of Jason Todd, think that 3 chapters of Dick were enough for now.

Also, what the heck, 1000 read!! That's insane, thank you!!!!!

MidWinter Mist xx

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